Minutes of the Meeting of the High Littleton Parish Council held on Wednesday 8th February 2017

Minutes of the Meeting of the High Littleton Parish Council held on Wednesday 8th February 2017


Councillors present  

Mr P Wyatt (Chairman), Mr S Skelhorn, Mr P Savage and Mr P Allen.



Opportunity for the members of the public to speak

There were 2 members of the public present. A gentleman from Hallatrow asked the Council if they had any news regarding the status of the planning application,16/03808/FUL White Chimneys, Paulton Road, Hallatrow. The Council replied that they have not heard anything recently since the Council made a formal request to the Case Officer that if she is of a mind to permit this application that it is taken to the Development Management Committee



Mr L Salvidge, Mr L Sheen, Mr J Petchey and District Councillor Les Kew


Minutes of the Parish Meeting held on the 10th January 2017

These were signed as a true and correct record of the meeting by the Chairman.


Declarations of Discloseable Pecuniary Interests and Request for Dispensations



Development Control, Forestry Works and Footpath Diversions

16/03808/FUL Erection of 4no. dwellings following demolition of existing dwelling, garage and outbuildings. White Chimneys, Paulton Road, Hallatrow

Awaiting a decision


16/03914/FUL  Demolition of existing building and erection of 6no dwellings and associated works. The Yard, High Street, High Littleton

Awaiting a decision


16/04535/FUL  Erection of a dwelling following demolition of the outbuilding. 33 Parklands, High Littleton

Awaiting a decision. At development management committee on the 8th February 2017


16/05601/FUL  Erection of 1no. bungalow with associated works to rear of No.1 Fairview (Resubmission). 1 Fairview New Road, High Littleton

Refused. To be removed from the agenda.


16/05745/FUL  Erection of a detached garage. The Gables Hallatrow Hill, Hallatrow

Permitted. To be removed from the agenda


16/05766/ADCOU  Prior approval request for change of use to Agricultural Barn to Dwelling (C3) and associated operational development. Calf Shed West of Broom Hill, Broom Hill Lane, High Littleton

Approved. To be removed from the agenda


16/05799/ADCOU  Prior approval request for change of use to Agricultural Barn to Dwelling (C3) and associated operational development. Beef Shed East of Broom Hill, Broom Hill Lane, High Littleton

Approved. To be removed from the agenda


16/05921/FUL  Erection of detached bungalow and new detached garage for existing dwelling. Willow Glade, 17 Scobel Rise, High Littleton

Refused. To be removed from the agenda.


16/06152/FUL  Erection of two storey side extension. Mai-See View Scumbrum Lane, High Littleton

Awaiting a decision


16/06139/CLEU  Subdivision of main dwelling into 2 no. dwellings (Certificate of Lawfulness of existing Use). The Croft, Bristol Road, Farrington Gurney

Awaiting a decision


New Planning Applications

17/00103/FUL  Erection of double garage following demolition of existing single garage. Church Cottage, Church Hill, High Littleton

The Council agreed to support this application


17/00263/FUL  Erection of a two storey side extension. 9 Rotcombe Lane, High Littleton

The Council agreed to support this application


17/00287/FUL  Erection of a side and rear extension, conversion of loft space, modification of front elevation and new materials to walls and roof. Mentone, Timsbury Road, High Littleton

The Council agreed to support this application


17/00449/FUL Erection of a single storey rear extension, new external decking, installation of oil tank in front garden, alterations to existing garage and associated works. 18 Parklands, High Littleton

The Council agreed to support this application


Other Planning matters



Agenda Items

  1. Parish Plan – Highways & Environment
  • New roundabout and associated work at Paulton Road and A39 junction, following feasibility study to Paulton and surrounding area in connection with the Polestar Development, including Village Gate, Paulton Road

The Clerk was requested to ask Mr S Chiffers (B&NES Traffic Engineer) if he would contact the contractors for the new roundabout and associated works at the Triangle Hallatrow, to reinstate the electrical fitting on the Triangle.

Mr P Wyatt will chase the High Littleton School to find out if the children have come up with a design for the new sign. District Councillor Les Kew will be meeting with Mr S Chiffers to discuss where the sign will be placed



  • Enhancement of area between New Road and Scumbrum Lane


Mr P Wyatt informed the Council that B&NES are waiting for someone to create a hole for soil and a tree. Once this is done then the surface resin can be laid


  • Hallatrow Hill footway – Phase 2 (Road Speeds on A39 particularly by Langfords Lane and Highbury Road in Hallatrow)

No news


  • Zebra Crossing High Street

The Council discussed a further complaint on Facebook about the problems associated with the Zebra Crossing. The Council noted that in the November 2016 Parish Council meeting, Mr P Wyatt informed the Council that Mr Chiffers said it would cost £5,000 for a feasibility study of the crossing and £60,000 for pedestrian crossing lights


  1. Highway related matters

The Highways Maintenance sheet was updated


  1.  Bus Stops / Bus Shelters/ Bus Services


  • New bus shelter opposite the Post Office


The Clerk informed Mrs Avril England (B&NES Public Transport Officer) that the Council were holding the £2,500 from Curo Housing towards payment to the Bus Shelter and electrics as agreed with B&NES. Mrs England asked the Clerk to forward an order. Mrs England confirmed that the Bus Shelter belongs to B&NES. The Clerk informed the Council that the Council owned bus shelter, that was replaced, needs to be removed from the Asset Register. Mr P Wyatt proposed that 1 bus shelter is removed from the Asset register. This was seconded by Mr P Savage and carried unanimously. To be removed from the agenda



  • The reduction in the bus service and the impact on parishioners


The Council still have not received replies from First Bus and that Mr T Clarke (B&NES Councillor for Public Transport) about parishioner’s complaints about the reduction in the Bus Services. The Council requested that the Clerk check with Mrs Avril England the contact details for First Bus and to inform Councillor Tim Warren (Leader of Bath and North East Somerset Council) that Councillor Clarke has not replied to the Council’s letter


  1. Youth Service Matters

No news


  1. B&NES Placemaking Plans – New Local Plan

The Council discussed the information sent by the Clerk to the Councillors, which stated that B&NES has started to prepare a new Local Plan (previously known as the Core Strategy Review) that will cover 2016 – 2036. The purpose is to identify and allocate site to meet the housing and economic development requirements

  1. Footpath Matters
  • Footpath Sign off Greyfield Road leading to Greyfield Wood needs replacing

Mr S Skelhorn informed the Council that this is in hand with the Woodland Trust


  • Footpath CL 6/40 Vehicles travelling fast along newly tarmacked track to Greyfield Woods

The Clerk emailed Mrs Sheila Petherbridge (B&NES Public Footpath Officer) to say that Mr L Sheen would like to meet her on site to discuss speeding vehicles along this footpath. Mrs Petherbridge replied that she has emailed him requesting that he contacts to arrange a meeting. Mrs Petherbridge added that CL6/4 is a track down to the car park and Greyfield Wood Farm so there is a vehicular right of way. The Council to discuss when Mr Salvidge is at the next Council meeting


  • Footpath CL 11/24 Motorcycles riding along footpath by passing through keyhole stile

The Clerk informed Mrs Sheila Petherbridge that motor bikes access the footpath via the keyhole style. Mrs Petherbridge replied asking how they get their motor bikes through the metal kissing gate at the other end of the enclosed path. The Clerk informed her they were just travelling up and down the footpath. To discuss when Mr Salvidge is at the next Council meeting


  1. Methodist Church – Update Review

Mr P Wyatt informed the Council of his discussion with Mr Simon Walker (High Littleton Scout Leader) regarding the status of the intended purchase the old Methodist Church.


  1. Neighbourhood Plans/Parish Plans

Mr P Savage provided the Council with feedback on the latest with the Neighbourhood Plan. Mr Savage showed the Council the tri-fold flyer that has gone out to everyone. The next step is the Landscape assessment. The next Meeting is on the 19th February 2017. Due to running expenses for the Neighbourhood Plan the Clerk suggested that the Council make a resolution to allow £4000 towards the costs. Mr Savage informed the Council that grants received will eventually cover the much of the expenses. Mr P Savage proposed that the Council allocate £4000 towards the Neighbourhood Plan expenses. This was seconded by Mr S Skelhorn and carried unanimously


  1. New website search for Parish Council

The Clerk emailed the Councillors with the situation with Mr Simon Conway’s suggestions regarding the new website design. Mr Conway appears to be cheaper than parishcouncil.net and most likely easy to contact and answer queries. Mr Conway provide the Council with a wordpress sample. The Clerk recommended that the Council seek the services of Mr Conway. Mr S Skelhorn proposed that the Council go with the Clerk’s recommendation. This was seconded by Mr P Allen and carried unanimously


  1. Defibrillator

The Council discussed a new defibrillator for Hallatrow. The Clerk was requested to ask District Councillor Mr L Kew who purchased the one in High Littleton


  1. Parishioners question of the status of the Community Speed Watch

Mr S Skelhorn informed the Council last month that Camera Partnership has replaced speedwatch. Mr Skelhorn is waiting to discuss this with the Beat Manager


  1. ALCA – Councillors training

The Clerk asked Mrs Deborah White (ALCA Secretary) information on Code of Conduct courses. Mrs White replied the Councillors need the “Being a Good Councillor” training, which covers Code of Conduct and DPI’s. The cheapest way to do it is as a whole council for £200 and she comes to the Council. The Council will have to organise the venue and refreshments and suggested that the Council involve other Parish Councils. The Clerk was requested to follow this up with a view to hold this course  in the hall on a Tuesday


  1. Rubbish Collections – change to bi-weekly
The changes to the rubbish collections was discussed by the Council. To be removed from the agenda.


Reports from Representatives


No news


Recreation Ground

Mr P Allen provided the Council with a verbal report


Police and Neighbourhood Watch

Mr S Skelhorn provided the Council with a verbal report


School Governors

Mr P Wyatt provided the Council with a verbal report


Grass and Cemetery

Primrose Garden Maintenance Grass Cutting contract ended in 2016. The Clerk asked Mrs Kit Primrose for a 3 year quotation. The Clerk forwarded the quotation to the Councillors. Mr P Wyatt proposed that the Council accept the three year quotation for grass cutting in the High Littleton cemetery and White Cross – total cost for 2017 @ £1803.00. Total cost for 2018 @ £1818.00. Total cost for 2019 season @ £1818.00. This was seconded by Mr S Skelhorn and carried unanimously      


Parish Magazine “News and Views”   

No news


Greyfield Wood  

  • Litter bin request for edge of Greyfield wood and re-siting bin at Gas box Greyfield Road

Mr S Skelhorn informed the Council that this is in hand


Street Cleansing Update  

  • Council to discuss feedback and comments from Wayne Bridges (WJB)

Mr Les Kew was going to contact Mr Monty Meertholz (B&NES Operations Manager – Cleansing) to discuss the ineffective weed spraying in the Parish. No news. The Clerk asked Mr Wayne Bridges  (WJB)  1/ Would the one thorough sweep in June last for a year – providing decent weed killer is used prior to the sweep. 2/ How much would it cost the Council for a tidy up in the late Autumn – leaves and rubbish. Mr Bridges replied that he felt that more than one sweep would be needed annually and the cost in the winter to help clear the leaves etc. would be £2500 for 2 weeks work. The Council discussed the costs of the cleansing and the quotation of £5000 for a month’s cleansing in June. Mr P Allen proposed that the Council agree to WJB cleansing the parish in June 2017 for the cost of £5000, this was seconded by Mr S Skelhorn and carried unanimously. Mr Gimbert has planned to carry out a litter picking with volunteers in March. Mr S Skelhorn will ask if he would kindly bring this forward.


Parish Liaison Meeting

The next Parishes Liaison meeting is on the 15th February 2017


Items of interest from District Councillor:



Correspondence for Action:

Matters requested from Representative of the Recreation Ground requesting to be on the Parish Council’s agenda

  • Request for B&NES to improve drainage on east side of the Recreation Ground

This was put on the Highways Maintenance Sheet


  • Request for more dog fouling signs around the Recreation Ground

Mr P Allen requested that there are more Dog fouling signs placed around the Recreation Ground. To be added to the Highways Maintenance Sheet


  • Action to inhibit cannabis trading in Recreation Ground Car Park

Mr P Allen discussed the above with the Council. Mr S Skelhorn he will speak to someone in the Police Service about the problem



  • Receipt of £1387.50. The High Littleton Parish Council share of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) generated by the development at Timsbury Road. Ref:- 16/00566/FUL

The Clerk emailed Mr La Vardera (B&NES Operations and Business Development Officer) to

ask what the Council can spend the CIL on and gave him the Council’s 3 ideas – Play equipment

or repairs to existing play equipment on the High Littleton Recreation Ground, a defibrillator and

a new website. Mr La Vardera replied that the decision on how to spend the CIL money is

ultimately the Parish Council’s and it is the parish council that will have to defend its spending

decision to anybody seeking clarification. The Council discussed the three options. Mr S Skelhorn

            proposed that the CIL money of £1387.50 is spent towards a defibrillator in Hallatrow. This was

           seconded by Mr P Wyatt and carried unanimously. Mr P Wyatt will speak to the Post Office

regarding the siting of the defibrillator


  • Quarterly Accounts                                                                                                                        The Clerk forwarded the Quarterly Accounts ending December 2016 to the Councillors for their review.  The Council agreed for the Chairman Mr P Wyatt to sign the accounts
  • Grants for financial year just ending.                                                                                                   The Council have received the following grant requests                                                                                                1/ The High Littleton School in November 2015 requested or a donation towards resurfacing the school playground. They were informed we will discuss in Feb 2017. They have not provided any information of how much the work will cost nor would amount they would like, but would be grateful for any small amount 2 / Cam Valley Arts Trail like a grant of £100 towards the cost of running free art workshops in the Parish. The cost of a workshop is £270.3/ Dial a Ride – £175 4/ Mary Jones Charity would like £200. The Council agreed to look at these requests next month.

For Payment:

The following cheques were approved for payment February 2017:


Cheque 919 To Pauline Young
Clerk’s pay January 17 964.33
Less January 17 NI Contribution

Less January 17 Pension Contribution



Net Total 925.46
Travel for January 17 12.15
Total                  937.61
Cheque 920 Post Office Ltd
Employer’s and Employee’s January 17 NI 74.78
Cheque 921 E.ON – Electric for January 17 49.53
Cheque 922 M Stevens – Rec Ground Maintenance Jan 17 114.58
Cheque 923 Tony Hurry – Printing Leaflets Neighbourhood Plan 120.00
Cheque 924 Holy Trinity Church – Hire of Hall Aug 16 to Feb 17 (Inclusive) 168.00
Cheque 925 Information Commissioner – Data Protection fee 35.00


Matters Chairman considers Urgent


Mr P Wyatt and the Council discussed the immediate resignation of Councillor and ex-Vice Chairman Mr R Hitchens. It was noted that Mr Hitchens who had been a Councillor for nearly 20 years, was a highly valued Councillor whose vast contributions had included work towards the High Littleton Pictorial History and the accounting system that is still being used. His historical knowledge and experience of the functioning of the High Littleton Parish Council and the Local Government will leave a notable space. Mr R Hitchens will be sadly missed


Items for Next Meeting  

Review Internal Auditor

Exchange of Parish Council Data back up on Cruzer Blade Exchange

The Clerk gave the latest back up to the Chairman


Date of Next Meeting

Tuesday 14th March 2017


Chairman                                                                                                Clerk