Who we are & what we do

The High Littleton and Hallatrow Parish Council meet once a month to discuss and make decisions (resolutions) regarding issues related to the parish, and may work in consultation with Bath and North East Somerset Council and other outside organisations.
The Council consists of 9 Councillors and the Parish Clerk.  Meetings are usually held on the second Tuesday of the month at 7.00pm in the Church Hall, Church Hill, High Littleton.  Agendas are placed on the village noticeboards and the Council’s website three days prior to the meeting. Members of the public are very welcome to attend the parish meeting and may address the Council in the Public Section of the meeting. The minutes of the meeting are approved by the Council the following month and are available on the Parish website. 

What we spend and how we spend it 

The Clerk is also the Responsible Financial Officer. The Accounts are run on an Income and Expenditure basis. End of year accounts are approved by the Council, inspected by an independent Internal Auditor and a statement of accounts submitted to the External Auditors.  Budget discussions start in November for the following financial year and the Council then set the precept in January.
The Council have in place Financial Regulations and Standing Orders which are reviewed annually. 

What our priorities are and how we are doing 

The Council produce an annual report in May. The Chairman reports to the Council and public on the previous year’s events and achievements.
The Council are currently working to produce a Neighbourhood Plan that supports the delivery of Bath & North East Somerset’s Local Plan, and ensures development in the parish maintains the character of the villages and can be sustained. When it is complete, the plan will be presented to Parishioners to be agreed via a referendum. 

How can we make decisions. 

Decision making process and records of decisions are carried out in accordance with the Local Government Act 1972, the Councils Standing Orders and the Council’s Financial Regulations. 

Our Policies and Procedures. 

All resolutions/decisions made by the Council are passed by a majority vote and cannot be revisited for six months. All new expenditure is passed by resolution at meetings.
All Councillors sign an acceptance of office and the Code of Conduct form when becoming a Councillor
The Council adhere to all equal opportunities policies and recruitment policies in the employment of staff. The Council is registered with Data Protection. 

Lists and Registers. 

Each Councillor must complete a Register of Interests (copies are available on our website), and the Council hold an Asset register. 

The services we offer. 

The Council provide the following: –
Finance the “News and Views” magazine – issued bi-monthly
Allotments in Highbury Road, Hallatrow
Christmas tree and lighting, High LIttleton and Hallatrow
Grants to organisations within or connected to the parish
Two bus shelter
15 street lights and footpath lighting
Street cleaning
Grass Cutting 

Advise B&NES Departments on local requirements (including planning applications) 

How this information can be obtained. 

Most of the above information can be found on our website. 

Hard copies can be obtained by writing to the Clerk: Mrs K Headlong, Leylands, Goosard Lane, High Littleton.  BS39 6HJ

The cost for copies of information requested will be as follows: 
A4 photocopy at the current rate.
Postage, packing and posting at the current rate.
Search time at the Clerk’s current hourly rate.