Draft minutes Parish council meeting 13 August 2024

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DRAFT Minutes of the meeting of High Littleton Parish Council held on Tuesday 13 August 2024 7 pm. 

Councillors present 

K Fuglesang, C Lindley, M Whiting, S Gould, A Godwin, P Ghillyer and L Sheen.  

Opportunity for the members of the public to speak (the public are asked to limit their address to 5 minutes with maximum time allowed 20 minutes). Please note that the Parish Council cannot make a decision on any item which is not on the agenda, but items may be put forward for a future agenda. 



2408.1 Apologies – to note apologies for absence 

Apologies were received and accepted from S Gould and R Lane.  Apologies were received from Ward Cllr A Morgan.  


2408.2 [TO RESOLVE] To confirm and approve minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the 9 July 2024 

Resolved – the Council agreed that the 9 July 2024 minutes were a true and correct record of the meeting. 

2408.3 Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests and Request for Dispensations 

To receive declaration of any members personal or prejudicial interest in any item on the agenda 


Development Control, Forestry Works and Footpath Diversions 

2408.4 Planning applications to consider and decide comment for submission to B&NES 

a) Applications to consult 

[TO RESOLVE]  24/02687/FUL  Cedar Lodge Harts Lane Hallatrow  BS39 6EA  

Conversion and extension of an existing outbuilding into ancillary accommodation and extension of the residential curtilage (Retrospective). 

Resolved to object to the proposal as it is a sizeable development outside the housing boundary, and to request assurances that conditions placed against the 2018 proposal have been discharged. 

b) To note decision notifications 

23/04622/VAR Hallatrow Business Park Wells Road Hallatrow BS39 6EX  

Variation of condition 7 (Plans List (Compliance)) of application 22/02775/FUL (Change of use to learning and non-residential institutions (Use Class F1) for a temporary three year period with associated siting of porta-cabins and shipping containers (part retrospective)). Condition Number(s): Condition 7 – Approved plans Conditions(s) Removal: Please see covering letter Please see covering letter  

Pending consideration 

 23/04623/VAR Hallatrow Business Park Wells Road Hallatrow BS39 6EX  

Variation of condition 9 (Plans List (Compliance)) of application 22/02777/FUL (Change of use to storage or distribution (Use Class B8) for a temporary three year period with associated siting of porta-cabins and shipping containers). Condition Number(s): Condition 9 – Approved Plans Conditions(s) Removal: Please see covering letter  

Pending consideration 

23/04687/FUL Hallatrow Business Park Wells Road Hallatrow BS39 6EX  

Material change of use (temporary) for B8 use and associated operational development (in connection with adjacent permitted use) (Retrospective). 

Pending consideration 

23/03092/LBA The Grange, Paulton Road, Hallatrow,  BS39 6EG  

External alterations for the replacement roof covering includes new tiles, battens and underlay. 

Pending consideration 

23/04686/FUL Parcel 0172 Wells Road Hallatrow   

Material change of use (temporary) for F1 use and associated operational development (in connection with adjacent permitted use) (Retrospective) 

Pending consideration 

24/00961/FUL Rolmar High Street High Littleton BS39 6HW 

Formation of a parking space 

Permitted – to be removed from the agenda 

24/01941/REM New House High Street High Littleton  BS39 6HX  

Removal of conditions 2 (Biodiversity Gain and Habitat Management Plans (Pre-commencement)) and 3 (Ecological and Biodiversity Net Gain Compliance Report (Pre-Occupation)) of application 23/00631/FUL (Erection of a detached dormer bungalow and garage).  

Condition Number(s): 2 – Biodiversity Gain and Habitat Management Plans (Pre-commencement)  

3 – Ecological and Biodiversity Net Gain Compliance Report (Pre-Occupation)  

Conditions(s) Removal:  

See attached statement. The application was subject to BNG requirements however the site is exempt from BNG requirements because it is less than 0.5 hectares in area and the project is a self-build.  

Remove conditions 2 and 3 of application 23/00631/FUL Decision Notice.  

Update approved plans list on decision notice as follows:  

Remove drawing 2023/BRICE/02B and replace with drawing 2023/BRICE/02C  

Remove drawing 2023/BRICE/07B and replace with drawing 2023/BRICE/07A  

Remove drawing 2023/BRICE/04HB (drawing does not exist) and replace with drawing 2023/BRICE/04B 

Permitted – to be removed from the agenda 

24/02319/PIP Parcel 1636 Wells Road Hallatrow  Somerset  

 Permission In Principle Planning Application for the erection of 1no. self-build dwelling with associated works. 

Pending consideration 

24/02290/FUL Hallatrow Business Park Wells Road Hallatrow  BS39 6EX  

Erection of warehouse (Use Class B8) with associated hard/soft landscape works; drainage; and ecological enhancement area, together with stopping up of existing business park access to vehicular traffic; creation of new vehicular access for business park off the A39 with right turn lane and widening of the A39 to accommodate a new public foot/cycle path. 

Pending consideration 

2408.05 {TO RESOLVE] to consider and decide to lodge a request for a Community Governance Review with B&NES Council to change the name of the parish council to High Littleton and Hallatrow Parish Council 

Deferred.  The Council will consult via facebook and News & Views to gauge parishioner support for the name change.  

2408.06 {TO RESOLVE] to consider and decide the Parish Council’s top 3 priorities re highways/roads in the parish 

Deferred.  Priorities discussed included speeding vehicles and widening of pavement on Hallatrow Bridge, speed limit review in Hallatrow, an additional crossing by the Spar, uneven/slanting pavements on Greyfield Road and insufficient crossing places on Southover.  

2408.07 {TO RESOLVE] to consider and decide whether to take part in the site assessment for the local plan for housing needs 

Resolved to take part in the assessment and to form a working group to potentially consist of A Godwin, S Gould, P Ghillyer and K Fuglesang.  

2408.08 {TO RESOLVE] to consider and decide any response to the B&NES public consultation Creating Sustainable Communities in North East Somerset and the Active Travel Masterplan, deadline 15 September 

Resolved to approve the drafted comment circulated by S Gould.  

2408.09 {TO RESOLVE] i) to consider and approve change of VAS on Paulton Road from electric powered to solar powered.  ii) to consider and approve location and orientation of VAS 

Resolved i) to approve the purchase of a solar VAS with data collection unit at £4998 (to be funded from CIL) II) to approve that the sign faces traffic travelling into Hallatrow and to be fixed on the current pole  

2408.10 {TO RESOLVE] to consider and decide an increase in News & View magazine advertisement fees 

Resolved to approve an increase of 25 % with a recommendation for a 10% increase the following year.  

2408.11 {TO RESOLVE] To consider and decide sweep areas for September 

Resolved to approve bench area opposite the Haynes, New Road, Paulton Road, and Greyfield Road for sweeping in September.  Vegetation growing over pavement on A39 and weeds around Royal British Legion hut to be reported via fixmystreet.  

2408.12 {TO RESOLVE] to consider and decide Christmas trees supplier and dresser for 2024 

Resolved to approved purchase of trees (same spec as 2023) from Frenchay Christmas Tree Farm.  Quotes to be obtained for dressing of trees and for the installation, removal and disposal of trees.  

2408.13 {TO RESOLVE] to review and approve quarterly accounts for April – June 2024 

Resolved to approve.  The Council agreed that K Fuglesang sign the accounts.  

2408.14 i)To review Internal and external auditor 2024 and ii) {TO RESOLVE] to review and approve internal auditor for 2025 iii) review of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) for the year ended 31 March 2024 

i) The Clerk reported that both audits went smoothly in 2024. Ii) Resolved to approve the 2024 Internal auditor be used for 2025 III) The Council noted that the review of the AGAR for 2024 is now complete with no issues raised.  

2408.15 [TO RESOLVE] To approve the following finances for August 

a) Payments – Sage Payroll DD, Pension DD, D Stephenson – website maintenance SO, Yu Energy – streetlighting electricity   DD, Clerk Pay – August 2024, Clerk’s expenses – July 2024, Branching Out – grass cutting and sweeping July, Austin Sage – Recreation Ground grass cutting July 2024,  

b) To note receipts  

HMRC – 2023.24 VAT refund £2133.01 

2408.16 To receive any updates on district matters from Ward Cllr Ann Morgan 

2408.17 To receive reports and updates on current items 

  1. Allotments     

The Clerk advised that a report has been received that allotment A does not appear to be being worked. Clerk to make enquiries.                                                                    

  1. Recreation Ground 

No news/updates.  

  1. Police and Neighbourhood Watch     

Clerk to request report/feedback from incident at Rosewell (see item o) below.                                  

  1. School Governors 

No news/updates. 

  1. Grass and Cemetery  

The Council noted good feedback from the Church and from residents re the cemetery maintenance.  

  1. Charity of Mary Jones 

No news/updates.  

  1. Parish Magazine  

See item 2408.10 

  1. Greyfield Wood  

C Lindley reported that Woodland Trust are planning to strim overgrown tracks and take out more diseased Ash Trees later this year. 

  1. Environmental Group 

No news/updates.   

  1. Parish sweeping 

See item2408.11.  

  1. Highway/footpath Issues  

See item 2408.06.  And the Council liaised with B&NES to ensure the vegetation on the public footpath from Biggs yard to Clutton track/path was cleared in July. 

  1. Transport/buses  

The Council noted that buses often wait at Rosewell to ensure that they adhere to the timetable.  

  1. Neighbourhood Plan 

No news/updates.  

  1. Streetlighting 

No news/updates.  

  1. Rosewell Home 

The Council noted an incident on Monday (12 September) evening which police and two fire engines attended. Smoke was seen rising from the roof, teenagers were seen around the property, and someone was seen on the roof by a dog walker.   

  1. Church Farm 

No news/updates.  

  1. Councillor vacancies 

The Council noted one vacancy which will be posted on facebook.  Any interested residents to contact the Clerk or a Councillor.  

  1. Improving Communication with the community 

The Council noted that information posted, and feedback received is working well via facebook.  

  1. Hallatrow polling station 

No news/updates.  

  1. Village planters funded by Ward Councillor fund 

The Council noted that funds have been applied for.  

2408.18 Correspondence 

2408.19 Items for next meeting 

External audit report 

2408.20 To note future meetings 

 Parish Liaison meeting – 18 September 2024, (Keynsham) 6.30-8.30 pm 

Date of next meeting – 10 September 2024     

The Chair closed the meeting at 8.35pm. 

Kate Fuglesang Chair Kirsty Headlong Clerk