Minutes of the Meeting of the High Littleton Parish Council held on Wednesday 14th June 2017

Minutes of the Meeting of the High Littleton Parish Council held on Wednesday 14th June 2017

Councillors present 

Mr L Sheen, Mr L Salvidge, Mr S Skelhorn, Mr P Allen, Mr J Petchey and Mr S Gould


Opportunity for the members of the public to speak

There were 2 members of the public present who stated that they were the applicants of the planning application 17/02634/FUL Lyndhurst, White Cross, Hallatrow. They wished to listen to the Council’s comments on the application.


Mr N Pollett, Mr P Savage, District Councillor Mr Les Kew and PC Peard

Minutes of the Parish Meeting held on the 9th May 2017

The Council agreed that these should be signed as a true and correct record of the meeting by the Chairman.

Declarations of Discloseable Pecuniary Interests and Request for Dispensations

Mr S Skelhorn – planning application 17/01316/FUL. Mr Skelhorn goes fishing with the applicant

Mr J Petchey – planning application 17/01757/FUL. Mr Petchey has known the applicant a long time.

Mr S Gould – planning application 16/03808/FUL. Mr Gould is a neighbour

Development Control, Forestry Works and Footpath Diversions

16/03808/FUL Erection of 4no. dwellings following demolition of existing dwelling, garage and outbuildings. White Chimneys, Paulton Road, Hallatrow

Awaiting a decision

17/01184/FUL Erection of two storey side extension and single storey and rear extension. 11 Claremont Gardens, Hallatrow

Permitted. To be removed from the agenda

17/01316/FUL Erection of detached bungalow on land at 17 Scobell Rise and erection of detached garage for existing dwelling (Revised Scheme). Willow Glade, 17 Scobell Rise

Awaiting a decision.

17/01837/FUL  Erection of a single storey rear extension. High Beeches, 4 Meadow Lea, Hallatrow

Permitted. To be removed from the agenda

17/01757/FUL  Conversion of adjacent barn to residential dwelling. Apples, Scumbrum Lane, High Littleton

Awaiting a decision

17/02048/FUL  Erection of single storey side extension following demolition of existing side attached shed. Hope Cottage New Road

Awaiting a decision

17/01645FUL  Extension of the current car paring with provision for a further 4-5 vehicles. Greyfield Wood, Greyfield, High Littleton (Outside the Parish)

Awaiting a decision

New Planning Applications

17/02291/FUL  Erection of a single storey side extension. 9 Rotcombe Lane High Littleton

The Council agreed to Support this application

17/02405/CLEU  Use of The Annexe as a separate dwelling (Certificate of lawfulness for an existing use) (Resubmission). The Annexe, 20 Southover Road, High Littleton

The Council agreed to Support this application

17/02569/FUL  Erection of rear conservatory. Mai-see View, Scumbrum Lane, High Littleton

The Council agreed to Support this application

17/02634/FUL  Erection of second storey side extension, detached garage and new entrance. Lyndhurst, White Cross, Hallatrow

The Council agreed to Support this application

Other Planning matters

Church Farm scaffolding and other planning matters

Mr L Sheen provided feedback on the meeting held on 12th June 2017 with Mr M Pera and his brother, (owners of Church Farm), their solicitor Mr Geraint Jones, Mr Griffiths (Head Teacher School), Mr Les Kew, Mr Paul Wyatt (School Governor) and representatives of the Parish Council. Mr Pera and his brother discussed the possibility of the expansion of the school and their wish to build on their land next to the school. A package to suit both parties could be considered. The Council acknowledged that a wide consultation will be needed if a package is put forward

Agenda Items

  1. Parish Plan – Highways & Environment
  • New roundabout and associated work at Paulton Road and A39 junction, following feasibility study to Paulton and surrounding area in connection with the Polestar Development, including Village Gate, Paulton Road

Mr L Salvidge informed the Council that he has spoken to Mr Dan Miller (B&NES Engineer Design Group) to request that the 3 chosen designs for the Village Gateway by the children of the High Littleton School should be amalgamated into one by a graphic designer. Mr Miller informed Mr Salvidge that there is no money available for this. After further discussions, it was agreed that B&NES would arrange for this to be done. Mr Salvidge agreed to speak to Mr S Chiffers (B&NES Traffic Engineer) find out the status of the Village gate

  • Hallatrow Hill footway – Phase 2 (Road Speeds on A39 particularly by Langfords Lane and Highbury Road in Hallatrow)

Mr Salvidge agreed to find out the status of phase 2 of the Hallatrow Hill footway when he speaks to Mr Chiffers

  • 6 Rotcombe Lane –request for bollards to prevent vehicle damage to wall

The Council requested that the Clerk contact Mr Chiffers to find out the status of the restrictive parking which is being pursued by B&NES. 

  • Review of speed limits in the parish

The Council discussed previous reviews of the speed limits in the Parish. It was looked at 10 years ago by the Police Traffic Management and Road Safety in conjunction with B&NES Traffic Engineer. This was put on hold in 2008 when Traffic Authorities were asked to review the speed limits on all of their A and B roads. The Council looked at a map of suggested changes discussed in 2015. The Council agreed that the Clerk should email Mr S Chiffers to ask for speed limits are changed between Hallatrow and High Littleton and other extensions to the 30 mph limits 

  1. Highway related matters

The Highways Maintenance sheet was updated

  1. Bus Stops / Bus Shelters/ Bus Services
  • The reduction in the bus service and the impact on parishioners

The Clerk emailed Mr L Kew to ask if he had heard from Mr Tony Clarke (B&NES Councillor for Public Transport) regarding the Council’s letter requesting that he look into parishioners’ complaints. Mr Kew informed the Clerk that he is chasing Mr Clarke yet again 

  1. Youth Service Matters

No news

 B&NES Placemaking Plans – New Local Plan

No news 

  1. Footpath Matters
  • Footpath Sign off Greyfield Road leading to Greyfield Wood needs replacing

Mr J Petchey read to the Council a draft letter for Mrs Sheila Petherbridge (B&NES Public Footpaths Officer) regarding the replacing of the footpath sign. The Council agreed that the Clerk should send the letter to Mrs Petherbridge.

  1. Methodist Church – Update Review
  • Grant Application

Mr L Sheen informed the Council that the Scout Group purchasing the old Methodist Church is once again progressing

  1. Neighbourhood Plans/Parish Plans

The 8th meeting of the Steering Group was held on 21st May 2017. The Clerk sent out 6 invitations to tender for the Village Landscape Assessment Character Assessment Studies. The Clerk has received responses which have been passed to the Steering Group.

  1. New Parish Council website
  • Clerk to request small extra payment for extra work undertaken

The Clerk informed the Council that Mr Simon Conway (Web designer) has worked many more than his agreed hours. The Clerk requested that Mr Conway is paid an extra £60. Mr L Salvidge proposed that Mr Conway is paid an extra £60. This was seconded by Mr J Petchey and carried unanimously. Mr Conway has agreed to put photographs of the parish on the website.

  1. Defibrillator

No news

  1. Parishioners question of the status of the Community Speed Watch

No news.

  1. ALCA – Councillors training

Farrington Gurney and Farmborough Parish Councils will be attending the Good Councillors Course with the High Littleton Parish Council on Tuesday 20th June 2017. 

  1. Memorial Bench request for Rotcombe Lane

The Clerk sent a copy of the map of Rotcombe Lane with requested position of bench to Mrs Kate Meopham (B&NES Technical and Project Officer) and Mr Stefan Chiffers. Mr Chiffers agreed to the Council’s requested positioning of the bench on Rotcombe Lane. The Clerk to inform the member of the public who wishes to purchase the bench and suggested that the bench is bolted down.

  1. Resignation of Paul Wyatt and Councillor Vacancy
  • Marking Paul Wyatt’s contribution as Chairman and a Councillor for 25 years

The Clerk wrote to Mr Paul Wyatt thanking him for his contribution as Councillor and Chairman. The Council discussed how they can further acknowledge his lengthy contribution as Councillor of the parish. It was agreed that something in connection with the school would be good. Mr L Sheen will discuss this with Mr Wyatt and the Mr Gareth Griffiths (High Littleton School Head Teacher).

The Clerk contacted Mrs Maria Lucas (B&NES Electoral Role Officer and Solicitor) to inform her of Mr Wyatt’s resignation. After chasing, Mrs Aurora Loi Wright (Electoral Services Manager) sent a copy of the notice of vacancy, which was put on display on the Parish notice board and website on the 31st May 2017.

  1. Suggestion of a remembrance plaque on a new bench opposite Dandos for the late Mr Graham Dando

There has been a request for a bench in memory of Graham Dando to be placed at the corner opposite

Dandos’ shop, with a plaque “In memory of Graham Dando 1947 – 2017”. The Council discussed types and makes of suitable benches. The Council requested that the Clerk contact Mrs Dando and show her what the Council have in mind.

  1. Mary Jones Charity – New trustee from the Council required

There should be 3 trustees for the Mary Jones Charity, one representative of the Parish Council, one representative from the Holy Trinity Church and another, as stated in the constitution. The Council agreed that Mr L Sheen should be the Parish Council’s representative

Reports from Representatives


The Clerk emailed the two allotment holders to inform them that they can erect a shed or Greenhouse as long as it is not a permanent structure and no bigger than 6 feet x 8 feet.

Recreation Ground

Nothing to report

Police and Neighbourhood Watch

Mr Sean Skelhorn provided a verbal report

School Governors

Mr L Salvidge provided a verbal report

Grass and Cemetery

Mr Sean Skelhorn provided a verbal report

Parish Magazine “News and Views”  

No news

Greyfield Wood  

Mr J Petchey provided a verbal report

Street Cleansing Update 

Mr Wayne Bridges (WJB) informed the Clerk that he will not be able to start the parish cleansing until July as his present job has overrun

Parish Liaison Meeting

Next meeting is on 7th July 2017

Items of interest from District Councillor:


Correspondence for Action:

Streetlights not working in Westwood Avenue (unadopted road)

The Clerk received an email from a new resident in Westwood Avenue who has asked the Clerk to notify the relevant department about the lights not working in the street. B&NES have told him the road is not adopted and will not deal with the lights. The Clerk informed Mr Russell that they are not owned by the Council. However the Clerk did contact SSE Contracting who said that they are due to change the lanterns to LED. The resident has been informed.


  1. Receipt of £1387.50. The High Littleton Parish Council share of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) generated by the development at Timsbury Road. Ref:- 16/00566/FUL.

The Council discussed the above

2. Grant request from High Littleton Primary C of E VC Primary – Academy

The Clerk wrote to Mr Gareth Griffiths (Head Teacher High Littleton School) to ask him the amount he is looking for a grant from the Council. The Clerk asked him to follow the criteria from the Council’s Financial Regulations if the request exceeds £500.  No news

3. Insurance request for quotations

The Clerk sent the Councillors the invitation insurance renewal from Came and Company who were very competitive last year. The renewed amount is £10 more than last year at £442.11. The Clerk has written to the Council’s previous insurers AON and Zurich for quotations. No news from either. The Council discussed the matter and agreed that they should continue with Came and Company

4. Chairman to sign End of Year Accounts

The Council agreed that these should be signed by the Chairman

5. Chairman to sign Section 2 Accounting Statements and Bank Reconciliation for External Audit (agreed by resolution)

The Clerk sent copies sent the above to Councillors for their review. Mr J Petchey proposed that the Chairman sign Section 2 Accounting Statement and the Bank Reconciliation. This was seconded by Mr P Allen and carried unanimously

6. Council to amend the Financial Regulations to comply with the new change in the 2016 NALC Model

The Internal Auditor suggested that under Contract in the Council’s Financial Regulations  1.1 (a)

It should read “Where it is intended to enter into a contract exceeding £25,000 in value for the supply of goods or materials or for the execution of works or specialist services other than such goods, materials, works or specialist services as are excepted as set out in paragraph (a) the Council shall use the Contract Finder Website and other light touch rules in the Public Contract Regulations.” and in (f) “When it is to enter into a contract less than £25,000 in value for the supply of goods or materials or for the execution of works or specialist services other than such goods, materials, works or specialist services as are excepted as set out in paragraph (a) the Clerk or RFO shall obtain 3 quotations (priced descriptions of the proposed supply); where the value is below £1,000 and above £200 the Clerk or RFO shall strive to obtain 3 estimates. Otherwise, Regulation 10 (3) above shall apply. Mr J Petchey proposed the above amendments. This was seconded by Mr P Allen and carried unanimously

7. Good Councillor Guide – purchase of updated copies.

The Clerk suggested that the Council purchase 10 copies of the updated “Good Councillors Guide” at a cost of £3.50 each. Mr L Sheen proposed that the Council purchase 10 copies of the Good Councillors Guide for a total of £35. This was seconded by Mr J Petchey and carried unanimously  

8.  “Knit and Crochet for your Village Day” – request for wool or money to help towards ‘Yarn Bomb’ the area

Mr L Salvidge provided the Council with an explanation regarding the above request. The Council discussed the request. Mr P Allen suggested that the Council give a donation of £50 to the “Knit and Crochet for your Village Day”, this was seconded by Mr J Petchey and carried unanimously.

 9. More councillors required as signatories for Council’s bank accounts

Mr L Sheen and Mr J Petchey agreed to be added to the list of Councillors signatories. They will complete their mandates and give to the Council’s bank.

10. Chairmanship Course in June

The Clerk has provisionally booked two places at £50 each for Mr L Sheen and Mr L Salvidge for the Chairman’s Course in June. Mr P Allen proposed that the Council agree to pay for the £100 for the Councillors to attend the Course. This was seconded by Mr J Petchey and carried unanimously

For Payment:

The following cheques were approved for payment June 2017:


Cheque 959 To Pauline Young  
  Clerk’s pay May 17 964.33
  Less May17 NI Contribution

Less May 17 Pension Contribution



  Net Total 926.46
  Travel for May17 22.95
  Total 949.41
Cheque 960 Post Office Ltd  
  Employer’s and Employee’s May 17 NI 73.27
Cheque 961 E.ON – Electric for May  17 54.17
Cheque 962 M Stevens – Rec Ground Maintenance May 17 119.08
Cheque 963 Primrose Garden Maintenance – Grass cutting Cemetery and White Cross May 360.60
Cheque 964 Shane Manley – Distributing News and Views 140.00
Cheque 965 IAC – Internal Audit 180.00
Cheque 966 Scion Creative – Website design and hosting package reimbursement 177.46
Total   2,053.99    


Matters Chairman considers Urgent

Mr L Salvidge informed the Council that the proprietors of the High Littleton Post Office wish to install a shutter to protect their shop. Mr L Salvidge will look further into the matter.

Mr P Allen informed the Council of concerns of local people about air pollution levels at Temple Cloud and that there could be a problem on the A39. It was agreed that Mr Allen should mention this to Mr L Kew and ask for monitoring equipment.

The Clerk received a letter from a resident about a flag pole in New Road and traffic issues in New Road. The Council requested that the Clerk reply that the traffic issues will be discussed at next month’s meeting and to pass on the B&NES Planning Enforcement Officer’s reply to the Council regarding the legal status of an erection of a flag pole on a residential property

Items for Next Meeting 

Review Allotment rent for following year

Exchange of Parish Council Data back up on Cruzer Blade Exchange

The latest backup was given to the Chairman

Date of Next Meeting

Tuesday 11th July 2017

The Chairman closed the meeting at 21.05 hours


Chairman                                                                                                                             Clerk