Minutes of the Meeting of the High Littleton Parish Council held on Tuesday 11th July 2017

Minutes of the Meeting of the High Littleton Parish Council held on Tuesday 11th July 2017

Councillors present 

Mr L Sheen, Mr L Salvidge, Mr S Skelhorn, Mr N Pollett, Mr P Allen, Mr P Savage Mr J Petchey, Mr S Gould and District Councillor Les Kew


Opportunity for the members of the public to speak

There was one member of the public present who addressed the Council with his concerns that the Case Officer for the planning application 16/03808/FUL, White Chimneys, was unaware of changes to the development plans. Mr S Gould requested a dispensation in writing so he could address the Council in the public section of the meeting regarding White Chimneys. This was unanimously agreed by the Council. It was noted that a leaflet had been put in local homeowner’s letter boxes urging them to inform the Case Officer of their concerns that a plans had changed from the development of 4 house to 2 houses. The Council and the member of the public discussed the matter.


PC Peard

Minutes of the Parish Meeting held on the 14th June 2017

The Council agreed that these should be signed as a true and correct record of the meeting by the Chairman.

Declarations of Discloseable Pecuniary Interests and Request for Dispensations

Mr S Skelhorn – planning application 17/01316/FUL. Mr Skelhorn goes fishing with the applicant

Mr J Petchey – planning application 17/01757/FUL. Mr Petchey has known the applicant a long time.

Mr S Gould – planning application 16/03808/FUL. Mr Gould is a neighbour

Mr P Allen – planning application 17/02405/CLEU. Mr Allen’s son is the agent

Mr N Pollett – planning application 17/02634/FUL.  Mr Pollett is a neighbour

Mr L Salvidge – planning application 17/02555/FUL. Mr Salvidge has had previous business history with applicant

Mr L Sheen – Review of allotment rent next year – Mr Sheen rents an allotment

Development Control, Forestry Works and Footpath Diversions

16/03808/FUL Erection of 4no. dwellings following demolition of existing dwelling, garage and outbuildings. White Chimneys, Paulton Road, Hallatrow

Awaiting a decision

 17/01316/FUL Erection of detached bungalow on land at 17 Scobell Rise and erection of detached garage for existing dwelling (Revised Scheme). Willow Glade, 17 Scobell Rise

Permitted. To be removed from the agenda 

17/01837/FUL  Erection of a single storey rear extension. High Beeches, 4 Meadow Lea, Hallatrow

Permitted. To be removed from the agenda 

17/01757/FUL  Conversion of adjacent barn to residential dwelling. Apples, Scumbrum Lane, High Littleton

Awaiting a decision 

17/02048/FUL  Erection of single storey side extension following demolition of existing side attached shed. Hope Cottage New Road

Permitted. To be removed from the agenda

17/01645FUL  Extension of the current car parking with provision for a further 4-5 vehicles. Greyfield Wood, Greyfield, High Littleton (Outside the Parish)

No news.

17/02291/FUL  Erection of a single storey side extension. 9 Rotcombe Lane High Littleton

Awaiting a decision

17/02405/CLEU  Use of The Annexe as a separate dwelling (Certificate of lawfulness for an existing use) (Resubmission). The Annexe, 20 Southover Road, High Littleton

Lawful. To be removed from the agenda.

17/02569/FUL Erection of rear conservatory. Mai-see View, Scumbrum Lane, High Littleton

Awaiting a decision

17/02634/FUL  Erection of second storey side extension, detached garage and new entrance. Lyndhurst, White Cross, Hallatrow

Awaiting a decision

New Planning Applications

17/02555/FUL  Conversion of redundant agricultural building to form a new dwelling. Redhouse Farm, White Cross, Hallatrow

The Council agreed that they do not have an objection to this application


16/03914/FUL (Appeal Ref:- 17/00059/RF) Demolition of existing building and erection of 6no dwellings and associated works. The Yard High Street High Littleton

The Council discussed the appeal. It was agreed that Mr L Sheen would take photographs of the site which are to be used as additional comments already made by the Parish Council.

Other Planning matters

Church Farm scaffolding and other planning matters

The Parish Council discussed the above matter

Agenda Items

  1. Parish Plan – Highways & Environment
  • New roundabout and associated work at Paulton Road and A39 junction, following feasibility study to Paulton and surrounding area in connection with the Polestar Development, including Village Gate, Paulton Road

Mr Justin Reeve (B&NES Communications & Publicity Officer) replied to the Council chasing him up. Mr Reeve has managed to create some digital artwork files and will share with the pupils with a view to create a final design. These were sent to the school. The Council discussed the subject of availability of money for the project. Mr Kew believed there was money available and will look into it. 

  • Hallatrow Hill footway – Phase 2 (Road Speeds on A39 particularly by Langfords Lane and Highbury Road in Hallatrow)

No news

  • 6 Rotcombe Lane –request for bollards to prevent vehicle damage to wall

The Clerk emailed Mr Stefan Chiffers (B&NES Traffic Engineer) for an update. Mrs Sadie Cox-Alcuaz (B&NES Traffic Management Technical Officer) replied that this proposal has been included in the North East Somerset TRO file and will be progressed in 2018. The Council agreed that this can be removed from the agenda until April 2018 

  • Review of speed limits in the parish

The Clerk wrote to Mr S Chiffers stating the Parish Council would like some speed limits in the Parish changed to 30 mph indicated on a map sent. The Council would like B&NES to pay for the A39 speed limit changes from the present 30 mph at the south end of High Littleton to the 30 mph the north end of Hallatrow, as B&NES are not able to deliver a continuous footpath. Clerk also asked what would be the costs for changing the other speed limits – Extend the 30 mph east from Goosard Lane 2/ Langfords Lane.

The Council would like to know if there are there any legal obstacles. The Council discussed the matter. It was noted that the consultations costs money.

  • Traffic and parking issues on New Road near chicane

The Council discussed that the suggestion that there are more parked cars in New Road, plus the effect of the traffic lights at the “two headed man” junction on the A39. The Council requested that the Clerk contact Camera and Safety Partnership and ask them to look at the speeds in New Road.

  • £500,000 scheme to improve traffic flow on A39

The Council discussed the scheme and noted that a lack of gaps in traffic can cause problems 

  • Air pollution levels and concerns on the A39

A Councillor on behalf of the Council, emailed Mr Les Kew to ask him to request monitoring equipment at suitable sites to check out levels of pollution. It was noted that there is an indication that air pollution is worse close to roads. Mr L Kew is meeting with the Chief Environmental Officer where the problem will be discussed.

  1. Highway related matters

The Highways maintenance sheet was updated 

  1. Bus Stops / Bus Shelters/ Bus Services
  • The reduction in the bus service and the impact on parishioners

Mr Kew was chasing B&NES Councillor Tony Clarke for a response to the Council’s letter for his comments. Mr Kew informed the Council that Mr Clarke has now resigned. Mr Kew will report back after meeting with bus operators 

  1. Youth Service Matters

No news

  1. B&NES Placemaking Plans – New Local Plan

The Clerk forwarded the Inspectors Final Report forwarded to the Councillors. The Council will be contacted again once the Placemaking Plan has been adopted.

  1. Footpath Matters
  • Footpath Sign off Greyfield Road leading to Greyfield Wood needs replacing

The Clerk sent Mrs Sheila Petherbridge (B&NES Public Footpaths Officer) the Council’s letter with their concerns with the footpath CL6/40 and wish to clarify issues. Mrs Petherbridge replied she is meeting on site with a Councillor. Mrs Petherbridge will locate some signs, she is on the case. 

  1. Methodist Church – Update Review
  • Grant Application

No news

  1. Neighbourhood Plans/Parish Plans
  • Approval to award contract for Neighbourhood Plan Village/Landscape Assessment Study and apply for DCLG grant.

The Clerk informed the Council that the new Planning Policy Officer dealing with Neighbourhood Plans is Mr George Blanchard. A member of the Steering group provided feedback on the 3 Character Assessments received. The Steering Group would like to award the contract to Hankinson Duckett Associates. Mr L Salvidge proposed that the contract for the Village Character Assessment be awarded to Hankinson Duckett Associates for a cost of £6,150 and that the Steering Group apply to the DCLG for a grant to cover that amount. This was seconded by Mr P Allen and carried unanimously. The Clerk was requested to wait until 1st August 2017 before notifying successful and unsuccessful tenders

  1. Defibrillator

No news

  1. Parishioners question of the status of the Community Speed Watch

No news

  1. ALCA – Councillors training – feedback

The Councillors who attended the “Good Councillors Guide” course held by ALCA agreed that it was an excellent course. The Council agreed that Farrington Gurney Parish council and Farmborough Parish Council should be charges £50 each as their share of the course costs

  1. Bench installation requests in the Parish
  • Memorial Bench request for Rotcombe Lane

The Clerk emailed Mrs Edwina Wilks to say that her bench can be placed at the corner of Rotcombe Lane and suggested the bench is made secure by fixings. No news

  • Scumbrum Lane/New Road bench

The Clerk asked Mr Dan Miller (B&NES Engineer Design Group) when the bench for the Scumbrum area will be installed. Mr Miller confirmed that there is no budget this year for a bench and asked if the Council will make a contribution and he would be happy to sort it out. The Clerk replied what about next year budget. No reply

  • Suggestion of a remembrance plaque on a new bench opposite Dandos for the late Mr Graham Dando

A Councillor reported to the Council that Mrs D Dando will be happy with the Council’s choice of bench for Graham Dando’s memorial.  Mr L Sheen proposed that the Council purchase a Phoenix Jubilee seat at the cost of £744 plus VAT. This was seconded by Mr S Skelhorn and carried unanimously. The Clerk will order the bench and contact Mr Rod Rich (Shop Signs) to say the Council would appreciate him providing a plaque for the seat

  1. Resignation of Paul Wyatt and Councillor Vacancy
  • Marking Paul Wyatt’s contribution as Chairman and a Councillor for 25 years

This is being looked into.

B&NES Electoral Officer informed the Clerk that there has not been any interest in the Councillor vacancy and no parishioner has asked for an election. The Council agreed that the Clerk put another Councillor vacancy notice up on board, on website and News and Views asked to advertise.

  1. Councillors email addresses

The Council discussed the Councillors having email addresses that would be stored on the server. Mr L Salvidge proposed that the Clerk ask Mr S Conway to implement email addresses on the Website server. This was seconded by Mr J Petchey and carried unanimously  

  1. Growing a Rural Community Survey

The Council discussed the above and agreed to remove from the agenda

  1. Employment Committee

The Council discussed setting up an Employment Sub-committee. It was agreed that Mr L Sheen, Mr J Petchey and Mr S Gould would be the sub-committee members

Reports from Representatives


  • Review Allotment rent for next year

The Council discussed allotment rents for next year. Mr Sean Skelhorn proposed that the rent for a whole allotment is increased to £20 and for a half allotment to £10. This was seconded by Mr P Allen and carried unanimously. Mr L Sheen did not discuss or vote on the matter.

The Council discussed the possible water supply to the allotments. The Clerk was requested to ask the Clutton Parish Council the cost of their annual charge.

The Clerk was informed by a resident in Highbury Road that the allotment plot (bottom C) is so full of weeds that the others holders are upset. The resident wanted to take over the allotment. The Clerk informed her that she is 4th on the waiting list. A Councillor has spoken to the allotment holder who has been busy, but will clear the weeds in the next month.

Recreation Ground

The Councillor representative gave a verbal report

Police and Neighbourhood Watch 

The Clerk received a letter from Mr Trevor Wilmot (Neighbourhood Watch Administrator) who wishes to promote the Neighbourhood Watch scheme. Mr Wilmot is asking to spread the word in newsletters and to mention Neighbourhood Watch to the Councillors. The Council agreed that the Clerk inform News and Views. The Clerk to ask Mr Wilmot what he wishes the Council to do

School Governors

Mr L Kew provided the Council with feedback on the last Governors meeting

Grass and Cemetery

Nothing to report

Parish Magazine “News and Views”  

A Councillor representative gave a verbal report

Greyfield Wood  

The Councillor representative gave a verbal report

Street Cleansing Update 

The Councillor representative gave a verbal report and stated that WJB Contractors will start the Parish Sweeping next month. The Clerk was asked to put Contract for Street Cleaning on the agenda for September

Parish Liaison Meeting

  • Electronic Planning Application to be discussed at next meeting

Meeting is being held on 12th July 2017

Items of interest from District Councillor:

Nothing further to report

Correspondence for Action:

  • Resident’s email addressed to Mr L Kew on the problems of the High Street Zebra Crossing forwarded to Mr Kew

The Council discussed the matter and decided to remove from the agenda 

  • Parish Charter and Community Empowerment fund – letter from Paul Myers Cabinet Minister Policy, Localism and Partnerships

The Council discussed and agreed to put this on the agenda for next month


  • Receipt of £1387.50. The High Littleton Parish Council share of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) generated by the development at Timsbury Road. Ref:- 16/00566/FUL

The Council agreed that the purchase of the Memorial bench for Graham Dando could go towards the monies received if the Council do not have another purchase by December 2017 

  • Grant request from High Littleton Primary C of E VC Primary – Academy

The Clerk informed the Council that Mrs Sarah Bolton (School Governor) requested the criteria for the grant request. 

  • Insurance – Council to approve of Came and Company and reviewing policy

The Clerk sent the Councillors Came and Company Insurance Policy for their review. Mr S Skelhorn proposed that the Council renew their insurance policy with Came and Company for a cost of £422.11. This was seconded by Mr P Allen and carried unanimously

For Payment:

The following cheques were approved for payment July 2017:

Cheque 967 To Pauline Young  
  Clerk’s pay June 17 964.33
  Less June17 NI Contribution

Less June 17 Pension Contribution



  Net Total 926.46
  Travel for June17 28.35
  Total 954.81
Cheque 968 Post Office Ltd  
  Employer’s and Employee’s June 17 NI 73.27
Cheque 969 E.ON – Electric for June  17 52.43
Cheque 970 M Stevens – Rec Ground Maintenance June 17 116.83
Cheque 971 Primrose Garden Maintenance – Grass cutting Cemetery and White Cross June 360.60
Cheque 972 Shane Manley – Distributing News and Views 140.00
Cheque 973 Trenjory Designs – Editing News and Views 187.50
Cheque 974

Cheque 975

Fosseway Press – Printing News and Views

Sandra Roberts – Grant Village Day “Yarn bomb”



Cheque 976 ALCA – Councillors course and 10 x Good Councillors books 235.00
Cheque 977 Pauline Young – Petty Cash 100.00
Cheque 978 SSE – Lighting Maintenance Apr-Jun 17 92.80
Cheque 979 John Shears – Dog Poop bags 57.85
Cheque 980 Came & Company – Council Insurance 442.11
Total   3180.25   


Matters Chairman considers Urgent


Items for Next Meeting 

Quarterly Accounts and Payments

Christmas trees – suppliers and dressers

Exchange of Parish Council Data back up on Cruzer Blade Exchange

The Clerk gave the latest backup to the Chairman

Date of Next Meeting

Tuesday 8th August 2017

The Chairman closed the meeting at 21.08 hours

Chairman                                                                                                                             Clerk