Minutes of the Meeting of the High Littleton Parish Council held on Tuesday 11th October 2016
Councillors present
Mr P Wyatt (Chairman), Mr R Hitchens, Mr S Skelhorn, Mr N Pollett, Mr L Salvidge, Mr P Allen, Mr P Savage, Mr L Sheen and Mr J Petchey.
Opportunity for the members of the public to speak
There were 9 members of the public present. A resident from Hallatrow discussed with the Parish Council the B&NES Highways report for the Outline planning application for 15 houses on Wells Road Hallatrow. The Parish Council explained that they were not informed of the changes to the report. The question was asked whether the rest of the field would be used for future planning applications in this field. The Council and the public discussed possible appeals which are expensive and possibly seeking advice. The Council said that the planning application will come back as a Full application.
PC Stuart Peard (Community Officer) provided the Council with a report of crime statistics for this year in the area, which is considered low. PC Peard and the Council discussed various traffic problems in the Parish, notably Goosard Lane and New Road. PC Peard will monitor these areas at rush hour
District Councillor Les Kew
Minutes of the Parish Meeting held on the 13th September 2016
These were signed as a true and correct record of the meeting by the Chairman after four amendments. Under Appeals, 15/01335/OUT in the eighth line the sentence should read “The final submission was considered by B&NES Planning Committee to show potential an acceptable highway layout…..” Under 15/04842/OUT the sentence beginning “The Council requested that the Clerk…..” should be removed. Under Matters the Chairman considers Urgent, the sentence beginning” Mr R Hitchens in formed the Council that the Chairman……” should be removed. In the next sentence the name “Mr N Pollett should be replaced with “Mr R Hitchens”
Declarations of Discloseable Pecuniary Interests and Request for Dispensations
Mr L Salvidge – planning application 16/04621/FUL. One of the co-owners is an ex business partner.
Mr N Pollett – planning application 16/04621/FUL. Mr Pollett is a neighbour to White Cross garage
Mr S Skelhorn – planning application 16/04621/FUL. Mr Skelhorn is the reviewing Councillor and on occasions has his vehicle washed at the facility and then has permission from the land owner to walk his dogs in the fields at the rear. When Mr Skelhorn drives down the lane, the owner/proposer of the application waves at Mr Skelhorn. This could be taken that Mr Skelhorn knows the owner. Mr Skelhorn does not know the owner socially
Development Control, Forestry Works and Footpath Diversions
16/03808/FUL Erection of 4no. dwellings following demolition of existing dwelling, garage and outbuildings. White Chimneys, Paulton Road, Hallatrow
Awaiting a decision
16/03724/FUL Erection of 4 No. detached dwellings (resubmission of 15/04514/FUL). Lea Meadow House, Wells Road, Hallatrow
Awaiting a decision
16/03914/FUL Demolition of existing building and erection of 6no dwellings and associated works. The Yard, High Street, High Littleton
Awaiting a decision. The Council requested that the Clerk contact the Case Officer and state that having read the Highways report for the above planning application, the Council would like to know why with the previous application (14/05421/FUL) that stated a problem with the access from the A39, the Highways now find this application acceptable with regards to the access
New Planning Applications
16/04566/TPO T1 Purple Beech – : Leamore Scumbrum Lane High Littleton
The Council agreed to Support the above application providing evidence can support the reasons given in the application for the felling of the tree
16/04621/FUL Erection of a rear extension to provide additional covered wash and dry area (Revised Scheme). White Cross Garage, White Cross, Hallatrow
The High Littleton Parish Council Object in Principle to the above planning application due to overdevelopment. Mr N Pollett and Mr L Salvidge did not speak nor vote on the above planning application.
16/04535/FUL Erection of a dwelling following demolition of the outbuilding. 33 Parklands, High Littleton
The High Littleton Parish Council Object in Principle to the above planning application due to overdevelopment
15/04842/OUT (Appeal Ref:- 16/00025/RF) Erection of detached dormer bungalow and garage at rear of ‘Valley View’ with access off existing back lane. (Outline application with access, layout and scale to be determined and all other matters reserved)
Appeal dismissed. To be removed from the agenda
16/01919/FUL (Appeal Ref:- 16/00046/RF) Erection of 1no three bed dwelling (Resubmission). 13 Rotcombe Lane, High Littleton
Appeal dismissed. To be removed from the agenda
Other Planning matters
15/01802/FUL Construction of a new pedestrian and vehicular access to Church Farm, High Littleton from A39 High Littleton following removal of section of boundary wall. Church Farm, Church Hill.
Withdrawn from Development Management Committee meeting. This is notification only. To be removed from the agenda
Investigation into how a number of Planning Applications have not been brought to the attention of the Council
The Council discussed the above and agreed that the Clerk should notify all Councillors of planning applications that are received for the Council’s comments in addition to the reviewing Councillor. The Council agreed to be proactive in monitoring the B&NES website and continue to monitor those applications on which they have led until a conclusion is reached. To be removed from the agenda
Agenda Items
- Parish Plan – Highways & Environment
- Feasibility study for Paulton and surrounding area in connection with the Polestar Development and Village Gate, Paulton Road, Hallatrow
The Council requested that the Clerk email Mr Dan Miller (B&NES Engineer Design Group) and inform him that the Council feel that the draft drawing of the Village Gateway sign falls short of the standard of what the Council expected, and they would like more of a visual impact, similar to what can be found in Paulton. Mr Miller replied that as the location of the sign is not at a terminal speed limit start, they cannot use the yellow warning backing board incorporating a 20/30 mph roundel as used at Paulton. The Traffic Signs and Regulations allow them to incorporate a crest symbol to the suggested sign plate of ‘Welcome to Hallatrow please drive carefully’. Mr Miller asked if there is a symbol relating to the parish that can be used. The Council requested that the Clerk inform Mr Miller that they are looking into other signs. The Clerk forwarded to the Councillors, Mr Miller’s email stating that the landscaping work and rebuilding of the stone wall etc will start on 19th September 2016. The Clerk also forwarded to the Councillors Mr Miller’s final design for the Mini-Roundabout at the A39/B3355. The works will commence on Monday 31st October and three way lights will be used for the works. Mr Miller anticipates these works to finish on Tuesday 15th November. Then the carriageway resurfacing will immediately follow on Wednesday November 16th for three days at night on a full road closure. A letter will be going out this week informing local residents of the works.
- Enhancement of area between New Road and Scumbrum Lane
No news
- Hallatrow Hill footway – Phase 2 (Road Speeds on A39 particularly by Langfords Lane and Highbury Road in Hallatrow)
No news
- Zebra Crossing High Street – problems with impaired visibility due to queuing traffic and general traffic problems
The Clerk forwarded the Facebook comments from the public about the dangerous problems found at the zebra crossing to Mr S Chiffers (B&NES Traffic Engineer) and asked him if he would look into the matter and see what options are available. No news
- Goosard Lane – speeding Traffic
The Clerk emailed the residents of Goosard Lane (who complained about speeding traffic in Goosard Lane), to inform them of Mr S Chiffers’ reply to the Council’s email asking when the automated traffic count will be done. The Clerk informed them that the Council has since asked Mr S Chiffers for the 30mph white lining to be repainted and the hedge cut back around the 30mph. No news from Mr Chiffers acknowledging the Council’s above requests.
- Parking infringements and safety issues in New Road
The Clerk contacted B&NES Parking Enforcement to say that the Council endorse a parishioner’s concerns of the parking problems in New Road where cars park on double yellow lines causing sighting problems for vehicles using the chicane. Mrs Rachael Jefferies (Senior Civil Enforcement Officer) replied saying she will has asked the mobile patrol to visit New Road to check the parking problem on the double yellow lines and will increase visits in the coming days to hopefully curtail this problem. The Council requested the Clerk ask Mrs Jefferies for their findings.
- Vehicles parking on grass verge on corner of A39 and A37 junction
The Clerk informed Mr S Chiffers of the above. No news
Mr P Wyatt will contact Mr S Chiffers to discuss the status of the outstanding traffic matters above. The Council agreed that they would look again at a full review of speed limits in the Parish. The Clerk to forward maps from a previous study of speed restriction from 2007.
- Highway related matters
The Highways Maintenance sheet was updated
- Bus Stops / Bus Shelters/Bus Services
- New bus shelter opposite the Post Office
The Council discussed whether there is lighting in the bus shelter. The Council to check. The Clerk to chase Mrs Avril Richards (B&NES Public Transport Officer) who is waiting for the electrical certificate to be issued
- The reduction in the bus service and the impact on parishioners
Mr J Petchey sent the Councillors a draft letter for Councillor Anthony Clarke Cabinet Member for Transport, expressing the Council’s disappointment in the recent reduction in Public Transport and the direct impact on parishioners. The Council agreed that the Clerk should send the letter to Councillor Clarke
- Youth Service Matters
No news
- B&NES Placemaking Plans
The Clerk forwarded an email from Mrs Rosemary Naish (Clutton Chairman) regarding passing on some evidence on the progress, to anyone giving evidence on the Placemaking Plan. Noted by the Councillors
- Footpath Matters
- Footpath Sign off Greyfield Road leading to Greyfield Wood needs replacing
Mrs Sheila Petherbridge (B&NES Public Footpath Officer) informed the Clerk that she had already put the sign up before the Clerk said it was in the wrong place. Mr S Skelhorn would look into a re-siting
- Methodist Church – Update Review
Mr L Sheen informed the Council that progress is being made
- Neighbourhood Plans/Parish Plans
The Clerk forwarded to the Councillors a customer satisfaction survey for Neighbourhood Planning. Mrs J O’Rourke (B&NES Policy Planning Offer) informed the Council that the High Littleton Parish Neighbourhood Plan is formally designated. Mr P Savage emailed the Councillors the plans for the future. Mr Savage provided the Council with an update which involves community engagement meeting to be arranged on the 26th November 2016. Mr P Savage proposed that the Council endorse an allowance of £200 for the first meeting’s expenditure. This was seconded by Mr J Petchey and carried unanimously
- Facebook page for the Parish Council
- Council to approve of draft Social Media Policy
The Council were undecided as to what to put in their Social Media policy. The Clerk was requested to see if NALC has a policy. The Clerk contacted ALCA who supplied a draft with the Clerk forwarded to the Councillors for their review. Mr J Petchey proposed that the Council adopt the suggested Social Media Policy. This was seconded by Mr L Sheen and carried unanimously. The Clerk to place on the Council website
- Council looking at establishing internet connection to Church hall
Mr L Salvidge informed the Council that progress is continuing with the internet connection to the Church Hall. The matter is presently being dealt with by the High Littleton School’s deputy head teacher.
- Christmas trees and dressing for 2016
The Clerk contacted Somer 2000 for a quotation for dressing two Christmas trees in 2016. Sommer replied with a quotation of £451.94 plus VAT for dressing the trees. The Council discussed the matter. Mr P Wyatt proposed that the Council accept the Somer 2000 quotation of £451.94 plus VAT. This was seconded by Mr N Pollett and carried unanimously.
The Council discussed asking Mr Alan Tibbs from Paulton (who was an option last year to supply Christmas trees) if he would agree to supply 2 x 6 metre trees for 2016. Mr Tibbs has supplied the Paulton trees for the last 6 years and has been suggested by two companies. Mr Tibbs quoted £200 last year for a 6 metre tree but will need to check with his supplier the cost this year. Mr P Wyatt proposed that Mr N Pollett discuss with Mr Tibbs the supplying of 2 Christmas trees and if suitable Mr N Pollett may agree up to £220 for each tree. This was seconded by Mr P Allen and carried unanimously. Mr Pollett will deal with the delivery. The Clerk will ask Mr N Pearson if the High Littleton tree can be left at his residence overnight
- New website search for Parish Council
To be discussed in the November 2016 Council meeting
- Request from parishioner for Council’s support to press B&NES for lighting and pavement from White Cross to Old Station Inn
Mr R Hitchens informed the Council of the agreed discussion with the parishioner who made the request, explaining on behalf of the Council, the history of a proposed footpath and the considered problems with the idea. No further action. To be removed from the agenda.
Reports from Representatives
The Council noted that one of the allotments appeared not to be used. The Council requested that the Clerk ask the allotment holder what he intends to do with the area as it could be rented out. No News. The Council noted that since the last meeting the area is now being worked.
Recreation Ground
Mr J Petchey provided the Council with a verbal report
Police and Neighbourhood Watch
Nothing further to report than given by PC Peard earlier in the meeting
School Governors
Mr P Wyatt provided the Council with a verbal report
Grass and Cemetery
Nothing to report
Parish Magazine “News and Views”
Mr P Wyatt read to the Council a report by Mrs V Smith that asked 1/ If the Council are happy for the current editor to continue. 2/ If the Council are happy for the printing firm to continue with an expected 5% increase in printing costs and 3/ If the Council would agree to a colour front page for the next issue
The Council discussed the above. Mr P Wyatt proposed that Mrs Smith is informed that the Council are happy for the present editor to continue and agree to the printers continuing with the expected 5% increase in costs. This was seconded by Mr P Savage and carried unanimously. The Council discussed the possibility of a design on the Neighbourhood Plan for the front page. Mr P Savage to discuss with Mrs Smith
Greyfield Wood
- Litter bin request for edge of Greyfield wood and re-siting bin at Gas box Greyfield Road
The Council agreed that the Clerk should chase Mrs Kate Meopham (B&NES Neighbourhood Waste Management) to ask when she with the Cleansing supervisor next be visiting the parish so that a Council may meet and discuss the repositioning of the bin.
Street Cleansing Update
- Footpaths linking the Recreation Ground and the High Street, the path between Eastover and Southover to be included within the scope of the Street Cleaning Contract.
The Council discussed the above and agreed that the Clerk ask Mr Wayne Bridges (WJB Services) to add the footpaths to the Cleansing contract.The Clerk emailed Mr Bridges to say that the Council agree to amend his contract to stating extra days will be charged at £250 a day. The Clerk also notified him that the Council have agreed to him completing the work at an extra cost of £2500
Parish Liaison Meeting
Mr R Hitchens will be attending the meeting on 12th October 2016
Items of interest from District Councillor:
Correspondence for Action:
Receipt of £1387.50. The High Littleton Parish Council share of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) generated by the development at Timsbury Road. Ref:- 16/00566/FUL
The Council discussed the above and agreed to discuss further at the next meeting
For Payment:
The following cheques were approved for payment October 2016:-
Cheque 876 | To Pauline Young | |
Clerk’s pay September 16 | 964.33 | |
Less September 16 Tax | (9.40) | |
Less September 16 NI Contributions | (35.04) | |
Net Total | 919.89 | |
Travel for September 16 | 12.15 | |
Total | 932.04 | |
Cheque 877 | Post Office Ltd | |
Employee’s September 16 Tax | 9.40 | |
Employer’s and Employee’s September 16 NI | 74.78 | |
Total | 84.18 | |
Cheque 878 | E.ON – Electric for September 16 | 41.28 |
Cheque 879 | Primrose Garden Maintenance – September Grass cutting Cemetery and White Cross | 357.60 |
Cheque 880
M Stevens (Crocombe Services) – Rec Ground grass cutting September 16 | 114.58 |
Cheque 881 | Sage UK – payroll annual renewal | 216.00 |
Cheque 882 | WJB Services – Sweeping and cleansing of parish | 3000.00 |
Cheque 883 | Grant Thornton – External Audit fee | 240.00 |
Cheque 884 | SSE Contracting – Lighting maintenance Jul–Sep 16 | 111.36 |
Cheque 885 | John Shears – Dog poop bags | 57.85 |
Total | 5,154.89 |
Matters Chairman considers Urgent
Items for Next Meeting
Quarterly Accounts
Start precept discussion by tabling initial draft budget
Exchange of Parish Council Data back up on Cruzer Blade Exchange
The Clerk gave the Chairman the latest backup
Date of Next Meeting
Tuesday 8th November 2016
The Chairman closed the meeting at 21.17 hours
Chairman Clerk