Minutes of the Meeting of the High Littleton Parish Council held on Tuesday 10th October 2017

Minutes of the Meeting of the High Littleton Parish Council held on Tuesday 10th October 2017

Councillors present 

Mr L Sheen (Chairman) Mr L Salvidge, Mr S Skelhorn, Mr P Allen, Mr J Petchey and Mr S Gould


Opportunity for the members of the public to speak

There were three members of the public present. One resident from Hallatrow reiterated his wish to become a Parish Council for High Littleton


Mr N Pollett, Mr P Savage and District Councillor Les Kew

Minutes of the Parish Meeting held on the 12th September 2017

The Council agreed that these should be signed by the Chairman as a true and correct record of the meeting.

Declarations of Discloseable Pecuniary Interests and Request for Dispensations

Mr J Petchey – planning application 17/01757/FUL. Mr Petchey has known the applicant a long time.

Mr S Gould – planning application 16/03808/FUL. Mr Gould is a neighbour

Mr L Salvidge – planning application 17/04074/ADCOU and 17/04074/FUL. Mr Salvidge has had

dealings in the past with the applicant

Mr S Skelhorn – planning application 17/04074/ADCOU and 17/04074/FUL. Mr Skelhorn had

dealings in the past with the applicant

Mr J Petchey – planning application 17/04073/FUL. Mr Petchey knows the agent

Mr L Sheen – HEELA. Mr Sheen owns a property which abuts site Htn6b and is adjacent to Htn6a

Development Control, Forestry Works and Footpath Diversions

16/03808/FUL Erection of 4no. dwellings following demolition of existing dwelling, garage and outbuildings. White Chimneys, Paulton Road, Hallatrow

Awaiting a decision

17/03099/FUL  Erection of a 2 storey side extension/garage demolition. 17 Rotcombe Lane, High Littleton

Withdrawn. To be removed from the agenda

17/03404/FUL Erection of single storey rear extension with balcony. 1 Ferndale, High Street, High Littleton

Withdrawn. To be removed from the agenda

17/04073/FUL  Demolition of existing garage and existing rear glazed extension, replacement with a side and rear extension and a dormer window. Hillcrest Westwood Avenue, High Littleton

Awaiting a decision

17/04074/ADCOU and 17/04074/FUL Conversion of agricultural building to dwelling. Brickhouse Farm, White Cross, Hallatrow

Awaiting a decision

New Planning Applications

17/04525/FUL Erection of two storey side extension following demolition of existing garage (Resubmission of previous application 17/03099/FUL (see above withdrawn). 17 Rotcombe Lane, High Littleton. The Council agreed to Object in Principle Contrary to D2 and D4 of the Local Plan. The finish needs to match the existing and neighbouring properties. The application does not show how it relates to the neighbour’s garage. Streetscape – in terms of existing fencing. Access to the rear of the property will be lost. New wheelie bins will have to be placed at the front of the property, or taken through the house if kept at the rear

17/04505/FUL Installation of 4 glazed canopies to the Southern Elevation of the West Wing, alterations to 9 ground floor windows on the West Wing front elevation to form new door openings, the introduction of a stone facade and new canopy to the main entrance, the enacting of approval 16/00833/FUL for a new dormer over the eastern projection and mirroring this approved dormer with a further dormer on the front western projection, the installation of a slate roof over the Western Conservatory and Internal arrangements to reduce the number of rooms from 80 to 52. Rosewell Community Home Church Hill High Littleton

The Council agreed to Support this application

17/04586/FUL  Erection of single storey rear extension, following demolition of existing single storey structure and conversion of existing store to habitable space. Willow Tree House, High Littleton

The Council agreed to Support this application


16/03914/FUL (Appeal Ref:- 17/00059/RF) Demolition of existing building and erection of 6no dwellings and associated works. The Yard High Street High Littleton

The appeal is allowed and planning permission is granted for the demolition of existing building and erection of 6 no. dwellings and associated works at The Yard. To be removed from the agenda

17/00069/RF Erection of 1 No. bungalow with associated works to the rear of 1 Fairview (Resubmission), 1 Fairview, New Road, High Littleton

Appeal in progress

Other Planning matters

Church Farm scaffolding and other planning matters

Mr Geraint Jones (Messrs Pera Solicitor) emailed to say that the High Littleton Primary School has suggested a meeting on 3rd October 2017 at 3.45pm so that they can feed back the thoughts of the Head/Deputy Head and governors. A Councillor attended and provided feedback to the Council

The school indicated that the proposals which had been developed would meet their needs.  Consultants on behalf of Messrs Pera will now develop a consultative planning proposal for the housing development that they would need in order to finance the proposal. It is understood that the School has had discussions with another developer who has proposed relocating the school to a green field site to the south of the A39.

Agenda Items

  1. Parish Plan – Highways & Environment
  • New roundabout and associated work at Paulton Road and A39 junction, following feasibility study to Paulton and surrounding area in connection with the Polestar Development, including Village Gate, Paulton Road

The Council discussed that all sites, photographs and measurement have been given to Mr Dan Miller (B&NES Engineer Design Group). It was noted that there is money available for this project

The Council noted the good work of parishioners who had tidied the area around the triangle at the entrance to Claremont Gardens and requested that the Clerk thank Mr M Anderson for coordinating the work.

  • Hallatrow Hill footway – Phase 2 (Road Speeds on A39 particularly by Langfords Lane and Highbury Road in Hallatrow)

No news

  • Review of speed limits in the parish

The Clerk notified a resident of Goosard Lane who had previously complained about the speeds in Goosard Lane of the Traffic Engineer’s reply to the Council request for changes to the speed limits. The resident replied that despite their “small budget to introduce and amend existing restrictions” it is amazing how many changes they have made to speed changes on the A37.

  • Traffic and parking issues on New Road near chicane

No news from Avon and Somerset Police Camera and safety Partnership. The Council discussed the problem of the parking on the pavement by 2 or 3 cars. 

  • £500,000 scheme to improve traffic flow on A39

No news

  • Air pollution levels and concerns on the A39

No news 

  • Harts Lane Speeding complaint

The Clerk emailed a resident from Harts Lane regarding her complaint about horrendous speed limits in Harts Lane. The Clerk informed her that this was discussed at great length a couple of years ago and speed signs were enhanced to alleviate the problem. The resident’s complaint was forwarded to B&NES Traffic Engineer and a response was requested. The resident emailed again saying the signage has made no difference and asks for meaningful action. The Clerk forwarded the email to the B&NES Engineer and to the District Councillor. The B&NES Engineer replied that she should have researched the area before moving in and should contact the Police. The Council discussed the problem and one of the Councillors will speak to the Police Beat Manager 

  1. Highway related matters

The Highways Maintenance sheet was updated 

  1. Bus Stops / Bus Shelters/ Bus Services
  • The reduction in the bus service and the impact on parishioners

No news. 

  1. Youth Service Matters

No news

  1. 2018 Local Plan

The Council discussed the feedback provided by a Councillor who attended the briefing session held on 11th September 2017, including information on HELAA. The Council agreed for a Councillor to draft out the Council’s comments for the Council’s approval and send to Mr Richard Daone (B&NES Team Manager – Planning Policy)

  1. Footpath Matters
  • Damage to footpath from the Recreation Ground to Southover Road

The Clerk wrote to Curo Housing regarding the broken tarmac on the footpath from the Recreation Ground to Southover Road that has been caused by a tree root. No news. SSE have replaced the streetlight. The Clerk was requested top chase Curo. 

  1. Methodist Church – Update Review
  • Grant Application

A Councillor provided the status of the impending purchase of the Methodist Church 

  1. Neighbourhood Plans

A Councillor provided the status of the Neighbourhood Plans. 

  1. Defibrillator

No news

  1. Parishioners question of the status of the Community Speed Watch

No news 

  1. Bench installation requests in the Parish
  • Memorial Bench request for Rotcombe Lane

The Clerk emailed Mrs Edwina Wilks and offered her the choice of a Vinyl bench in Rotcombe Lane and/or a wooden bench in Langfords Lane. Mrs Wilks replied that she will purchase both and will send a cheque to the Council 

  • Scumbrum Lane/New Road bench

The Clerk has ordered a new vinyl bench (identical to the one opposite Dandos) for the area.

  1. Resignation of Paul Wyatt and Councillor Vacancy
  • Marking Paul Wyatt’s contribution as Chairman and a Councillor for 25 years


  • Parish Councillor Vacancy

The Council discussed the applications for the position of Parish Councillor. The Council agreed that a vote by a show of hands for the two applicants present at the meeting. Mr S Gould proposed that Mr Ian

Wills should be co-opted as the new Parish Councillor. This was seconded by Mr L Salvidge there were 4 for 3 against and 1 abstention. Mr P Allen proposed that Mr Patrick Feltham should be co-opted as the new Parish Councillor. The vote was 3 for, 4 against and with 1 abstention. Therefore Mr Wills was Co-opted as the new Parish Councillor for High Littleton Parish Council

  1. Christmas trees – suppliers and dressers

Mr Paul Wyatt confirmed that Biggs Ltd will continue to receive the old Christmas trees. Somer 2000 sent the Clerk a quotation for dressing of 2 trees – £451.94 plus VAT. This is the same as last year. Mr L Sheen proposed that the Council accept the quotation of £451.94 plus VAT. This was seconded by Mr L Salvidge and carried unanimously

A Councillor agreed to speak to Mr Alan Tibbs to discuss the costs and details of the purchase and installation of 2 Christmas trees. 

  1. Parish Charter and Community Empowerment fund – letter from Paul Myers Cabinet Minister Policy, Localism and Partnerships

The Clerk sent Mrs Sara Dixon (B&NES Locality Manager Strategy and Performance) the Council’s response to the Parish Charter request for comments – The Parish Charter to be removed from the agenda

The Community Empowerment is being considered by the Council

  1. Grit bin request for Lansdown Place/Close

The Clerk contacted Council Connect to request a grit bin for the above area 

  1. Review Standing Orders

The Council discussed amendments to the Standing Orders. These will be drafted by a Councillor and presented to the Council at the next meeting

Reports from Representatives


No news 

Recreation Ground

The representative provided a verbal report 

Police and Neighbourhood Watch 

The representative provided a verbal report           

School Governors

The representative provided a verbal report

Grass and Cemetery

No news

Parish Magazine “News and Views” 

No news

Greyfield Wood

The representative provided a verbal report

  • Nuisance of motocross bikes used in woods

The Clerk emailed PC Peard stating the use and damage caused by motocross bikes in the woods and asked if this could be highlighted to patrolling officers. PC Peard replied with a few questions. Clerk forwarded the reply to Councillors asking for answers. 

Street Cleansing Update 

The Council noted that WJB are presently doing a sweep/cleanse of the parish.

Parish Liaison Meeting

No news

Facebook feedback 

No news

Items of interest from District Councillor:


Correspondence for Action:

  • Yellow lines request near the junction of Southover Road and A39

The Clerk forwarded to the Councillors an email from a resident from Southover Road who requested double yellow lines on Southover Road by the junction of A39, because cars park close to the junction making it difficult to pull out into the main road. The Council discussed the matter and requested that the Clerk reply that the Council appreciate the concerns, but there is no evidence to suggest that road safety would be enhanced with the installation of double yellow lines

  • Residents complaint of overgrown area by Rotcombe Lane to Eastover

The Clerk forwarded to the Councillors an email from a resident, a copy that was sent to Curo Housing, complaining of the overgrown area. The Council agreed that the Clerk should write to Curo and ask them to address the issues raised. No News


  • Receipt of £1387.50. The High Littleton Parish Council share of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) generated by the development at Timsbury Road. Ref:- 16/00566/FUL.

The Councils purchases are now on the Council’s website. To be removed from the agenda

For Payment:

The following cheques were authorised for payment October 2017:-

Cheque 1999 To Pauline Young
Clerk’s pay September 17 964.33
Less September 17 NI Contribution

Less September 17 Pension Contribution



Net Total 926.46
Travel for September 17 40.05
Total 966.51
Cheque 2000 Post Office Ltd  
Employer’s and Employee’s September 17 NI 73.27
Cheque 2001 E.ON – Electric for September 17 52.43
Cheque 2002 Primrose Garden Maintenance – Grass cutting Cemetery and White Cross September 360.60
Cheque 2003 M Stevens – Rec Ground Maintenance September 17 116.83
Cheque 2004 P Young – Archive Boxes 23.13
Cheque 2005 Sage – Annual Instant payroll 216.00
Cheque 2006 SSE – Lighting July – Sept 111.36
Cheque 2007 John Shears – Dog Poop bags 57.85
Total 1,977.38


Matters Chairman considers Urgent

A Councillor requested that plants in the Parish should be added to the next agenda

Items for Next Meeting 

Quarterly Accounts

Start Precept discussion by tabling initial draft

Exchange of Parish Council Data back up on Cruzer Blade Exchange

The Clerk gave the latest backup to the Chairman

Date of Next Meeting

Tuesday 14th November 2017

The Chairman closed the meeting at 21.07 hours