Draft Minutes of the Meeting of the High Littleton Parish Council held on Tuesday 14th November 2017 to be approved by the Council
Councillors present
Mr L Sheen (Chairman) Mr L Salvidge, Mr P Allen, Mr P Savage, Mr J Petchey, Mr S Gould, Mr I Wills and District Councillor Les Kew (until 21.04 hours)
The Chairman addressed the Council and public regarding the recent death of Councillor Sean Skelhorn. The Chairman stated that it was his sad duty to formally record that Councillor Sean Skelhorn died on Saturday 28th October. This news came as a shock to everyone. Sean devoted his life to public service, first serving in the Royal Navy and then joining the police service where he served in the Office of Constable upholding the Queen’s peace for over 30 years. On more than one occasion, he received the Chief Constable’s commendation for policing work he had undertaken. Sean was elected member of this Council for 13 years. He was devoted to the protection and maintenance of Greyfield Wood and never shied from expressing his views. The Chairman added that he would personally miss his sometimes eccentric delivery, particularly when talking about matters relating to bad behaviour or criminality. Sean loved the countryside and associated activities. He will be missed by the villages.
The Chairman then asked for a minute’s silence in memory of Sean.
Opportunity for the members of the public to speak
There were three members of the public present. One resident from Hallatrow informed the Council of her wish to become a Parish Council for High Littleton
New Councillor to sign Acceptance of Office
Mr Ian Wills signed the Acceptance of Office and joined the Council. The Clerk will provided him with other documentation, including the Register of Interests, to be completed and returned to the next meeting.
Minutes of the Parish Meeting held on the 10th October 2017
The Council agreed that these should be signed by the Chairman as a true and correct record of the meeting.
Declarations of Discloseable Pecuniary Interests and Request for Dispensations
Mr S Gould – planning application 16/03808/FUL. Mr Gould is a neighbour
Mr L Salvidge – planning application 17/04074/ADCOU and 17/04074/FUL. Mr Salvidge has had
dealings in the past with the applicant
Mr J Petchey – planning application 17/04073/FUL. Mr Petchey knows the agent
Mr L Sheen – HEELA. Mr Sheen owns a property which abuts site Htn6b and is adjacent to Htn6a
Development Control, Forestry Works and Footpath Diversions
16/03808/FUL Erection of 4no. dwellings following demolition of existing dwelling, garage and outbuildings. White Chimneys, Paulton Road, Hallatrow
Awaiting a decision
17/04073/FUL Demolition of existing garage and existing rear glazed extension, replacement with a side and rear extension and a dormer window. Hillcrest Westwood Avenue, High Littleton
Awaiting a decision
17/04074/ADCOU and 17/04074/FUL Conversion of agricultural building to dwelling. Brickhouse Farm, White Cross, Hallatrow
Withdrawn. To be removed from the agenda.
17/04525/FUL Erection of two storey side extension following demolition of existing garage
(Resubmission of previous application 17/03099/FUL), 17, Rotcombe Lane, High Littleton
Awaiting a decision.
17/04505/FUL Installation of 4 glazed canopies to the Southern Elevation of the West Wing, alterations to 9 ground floor windows on the West Wing front elevation to form new door openings, the introduction of a stone facade and new canopy to the main entrance, the enacting of approval 16/00833/FUL for a new dormer over the eastern projection and mirroring this approved dormer with a further dormer on the front western projection, the installation of a slate roof over the Western Conservatory and Internal arrangements to reduce the number of rooms from 80 to 52. Rosewell Community Home Church Hill High Littleton
Awaiting a decision.
17/04586/FUL Erection of single storey rear extension, following demolition of existing single storey structure and conversion of existing store to habitable space. Willow Tree House, High Littleton
Permitted. To be removed from the agenda.
New Planning Applications
17/04744/FUL Creation of a driveway that will front on to Scumbrum Lane. The driveway will be 10m long and 4m wide. Lyndale 6 Westwood Avenue, High Littleton
The Council agreed to support this application subject to Highways being content. There is concern that visibility being prevented by parking. Measures should be taken to prevent parking on the pavement
17/04438/FUL Erection of detached dwelling and detached garage. New House, High Street, High Littleton
The Council agreed to support this application
17/00069/RF Erection of 1 No. bungalow with associated works to the rear of 1 Fairview (Resubmission), 1 Fairview, New Road, High Littleton
Appeal dismissed. To be removed from the agenda
Other Planning matters
- Church Farm scaffolding and other planning matters
Mr Geraint Jones (The Pera’s Solicitor) sent the Clerk notes of the last meeting that included Mr D Pera, Mr G Jones, the District Ward Councillor, representatives from the High Littleton School and the Parish Council. The meeting was to review a ‘phasing strategy’ document which looks to summarise the constraints and opportunities provided by the existing school site, having regard to the potential availability of land within the Pera’s ownership. The Council discussed the meeting.
- 2018 Local Plan – HEELA
The Clerk forwarded to the Councillors information on timetables of consultation periods regarding the Joint Spatial Plan from Mr Simon de Beer (B&NES Policy & Environmental Manager)
Agenda Items
- Parish Plan – Highways & Environment
- New roundabout and associated work at Paulton Road and A39 junction, following feasibility study to Paulton and surrounding area in connection with the Polestar Development, including Village Gate, Paulton Road
The Council discussed the progress on the Village Gate installation To be removed from the agenda except the Paulton Road village gate
- Hallatrow Hill footway – Phase 2 (Road Speeds on A39 particularly by Langfords Lane and Highbury Road in Hallatrow)
The District Councillor provided the status on the above
- Review of speed limits in the parish
The Clerk forwarded to the Council an email from a Hallatrow resident regarding speeding on the A39 in Hallatrow and issues with the chicane by Tennis Court Farm, parking by Bloomfield Cottages and the bridge at Hallatrow Hill. The Council discussed the issues. The District Councillor will speak to the B&NES Traffic Engineer.
- Traffic and parking issues on New Road near chicane
The Council discussed the above
- £500,000 scheme to improve traffic flow on A39
The District Councillor and the Council discussed the reasons for the improvement at the “2 headed man” and possible problems. The council noted that the Chairman had written to B&NES seeking reassurance that it had fully considered the potential impact on our parish had been considered in its modelling of these improvements.
- Air pollution levels and concerns on the A39
No news
- Harts Lane Speeding complaint
The District Councillor will discuss the above with the Police Beat Manager
- Highway related matters
The Highways Maintenance sheet was updated.
- Bus Stops / Bus Shelters/ Bus Services
- The reduction in the bus service and the impact on parishioners
The Council discussed the general situation with the bus services. A Councillor provided a report which he read to the Council on the state of the bus services, The Council decided that the report received needed more consideration and discussion at the next meeting. The Council discussed the state of the bus services, but noted that bus services are delivered by commercial operators and that the council has little influence to improve services to the parish.
- Youth Service Matters
No news
- Footpath Matters
- Damage to footpath from the Recreation Ground to Southover Road
The Clerk received a telephone message from Curo Housing saying they do not own the house in Southover Road where there is the tree that has caused the damage to the footpath. The Clerk wrote to Curo Housing asking them to confirm whether they are responsible for the footpath itself. A resident emailed the Clerk to complain about tripping and falling on the path leading from Butlass Close to the old British Legion Club. There is an area in which the tarmac has broken up and has left holes. The Council requested that the Clerk pass the matter to the B&NES.
- Residents complaint of overgrown area by Rotcombe Lane to Eastover
The Council discussed that the matter has been resolved. To be removed from the agenda
- Methodist Church – Update Review
A Councillor has spoken to the Chairman of High Littleton Scout Group. They are still awaiting the issue of contracts to enable their purchase of the former Methodist Church buildings. They are contacting Mr David Pendle the Methodist Church Property Steward again in order to understand why it is taking them so long to resolve this matter.
- Neighbourhood Plans
A representative of the Steering Group informed the Council that the Village Landscape Assessment is underway. An A3 printer is needed to print the documents. The Clerk to look into the cost of one.
- Defibrillator
No news
- Parishioners question of the status of the Community Speed Watch
The Council agreed that this should be discussed when the Council have a meeting with PC Peard
- Bench installation requests in the Parish
- Memorial Bench request for Rotcombe Lane
The Clerk has now ordered two benches funded by Mrs E Wilks. One for Langfords Lane and one for Langfords Lane
- Scumbrum Lane/New Road bench
This has been installed. To be removed from the agenda.
- Councillor Vacancies
Mr Nicholas Pollett has resigned from the High Littleton Parish Council. The Council requested that the Clerk write to Mr Pollett to thank him for his time as Parish Councillor for High Littleton. The Council now have two vacancies for Councillor following the death of Mr Sean Skelhorn. The Clerk to inform the B&NES Solicitor.
- Christmas trees – suppliers and dressers
A Councillor from Hallatrow agreed to be part of the Carol Signing sub-committee. The Clerk informed Somer 2000 that the Council accept their quotation for the dressing of the two Christmas trees
The Clerk sent the Council details of the cost of 2 Christmas trees from Mr Alan Tibbs. The Council agreed to purchase 2 trees from Mr Alan Tibbs for the cost of £640 plus VAT. To be delivered on the 30th November 2017 to the Batch High Littleton and the Triangle Hallatrow. Somer 2000 to dress the trees on 1st December 2017
- Community Empowerment fund – letter from Paul Myers Cabinet Minister Policy, Localism and Partnerships
The Council discussed spending the Community Empowerment Grant on an outdoor table tennis table at the Recreation Ground. The Council to look into the costs.
- Grit bin request for Lansdown Place/Close
Mr R Arberry (B&NES Clerk of Works- Maintenance Scheme) emailed the Clerk and stated that the area has been assessed and it does not meet with the “winter service operational plan”. Therefore the request has been declined. To be removed from the agenda.
- Review Standing Orders
The Council agreed to accept the amendments made to the Council’s Standing Orders.
- Plants for Village
The Council discussed possible plant boxes throughout the parish. A scheme and costings need to be made
Reports from Representatives
The Council requested that the Clerk thank Mr Rod Rich (Engravatec Ltd) for the new allotment sign
Recreation Ground
Nothing to report
Police and Neighbourhood Watch
The Council requested that the Clerk invite Mr Trevor Wilmot (Neighbourhood Watch Administrator) to a Parish Council meeting, to discuss Neighbourhood Watch
School Governors
Nothing to report
Grass and Cemetery
- Email from a former resident regarding the poor state of the footpaths
The Councillors to inspect the condition of the footpaths as well as the piles of wood that a parishioner has requested is removed.
The Council received a request for the Lych Gate to be repainted. The Clerk to look to see if she has old specifications for this work.
Parish Magazine “News and Views”
Nothing to report
Greyfield Wood
Nothing to report
Street Cleansing Update
The Council discussed the future of the Parish Sweeper Scheme and the prospect of B&NES stopping the scheme and the implications
Parish Liaison Meeting
The representative provided the Council with a verbal report
Facebook feedback
The representative provided the Council with a verbal report
Items of interest from District Councillor:
Correspondence for Action:
- Lauren Noble from “Forever Friends” would like to speak at meeting about fund raising
The Clerk was requested to invite Mrs Noble to a Parish Council meeting
- Lorinda Trebaczyk (B&NES Campaigns Manager Neighbourhood Environmental Services) request for site for residents to collect bins and bags
The Council discussed the matter and agreed that the Council and parish could not practically help.
- Quarterly Accounts
The Clerk sent the quarterly accounts ending September 2017 for review to the Councillors. The Council agreed that the Chairman should sign the quarterly accounts
- Start Precept discussion by tabling initial draft
The Council discussed the budget sheet for 2018/2019 and agreed to review the full budget at its next meeting in December.
- Clerk request that the Council purchase the latest addition of Charles Arnold Baker
The Council agreed that the Clerk could purchase the 10th edition of the Charles Arnold Baker to replace the 7th edition
For Payment:
The following cheques were authorised for payment November 2017:-
Cheque 2008 | To Pauline Young | |
Clerk’s pay October 17 | 964.33 | |
Less October 17 NI Contribution
Less October 17 Pension Contribution |
(3.79) |
Net Total | 926.46 | |
Travel for October 17 | 12.15 | |
Total | 938.61 | |
Cheque 2009 | Post Office Ltd | |
Employer’s and Employee’s October 17 NI | 73.27 | |
Cheque 2010 | E.ON – Electric for October 17 | 54.17 |
Cheque 2011 | Primrose Garden Maintenance – Grass cutting Cemetery and White Cross October | 196.20 |
Cheque 2012 | M Stevens – Rec Ground Maintenance October 17 | 116.83 |
Cheque 2013 | P Young – Stationery | 53.00 |
Cheque 2014 | Grant Thornton – External Audit | 240.00 |
Cheque 2015 | ALCA – Chairman’s Course | 100.00 |
Cheque 2016 | WJB – Parish Sweep | 5000.00 |
Cheque 2017 | Fosseway Press – Printing News and Views | 317.65 |
Cheque 2018 | Trenjory Designs – Editing News and Views | 187.50 |
Cheque 2019 | S Manley – Distributing News and Views | 140.00 |
Total | 7,417.23 |
Matters Chairman considers Urgent
Pauline Young (Clerk and Financial Responsible Officer) verbally offered her resignation to the Council saying that a letter would shortly follow. Pauline has been the High Littleton Parish Clerk and RFO for 14 years and informed the Council that her resignation was prompted by family matters and a wish to retire
Items for Next Meeting
Precept discussion
Exchange of Parish Council Data back up on Cruzer Blade Exchange
The Clerk gave the latest backup to the Chairman
Date of Next Meeting
Tuesday 12th December 2017
Chairman Clerk