Minutes Parish Council meeting 12 March 2024

can be viewed here

Minutes of the Annual Meeting of High Littleton Parish Council held on Tuesday 12 March 2024. 

Councillors present 

C Lindley, M Whiting, K Fuglesang, P Ghillyer, Robert Lane, A Godwin and L Sheen.  

The meeting was chaired by K Fuglesang.  

Opportunity for the members of the public to speak (the public are asked to limit their address to 5 minutes with maximum time allowed 20 minutes). Please note that the Parish Council cannot make a decision on any item which is not on the agenda, but items may be put forward for a future agenda. 

  1. Co-option of resident onto the Parish Council 

The Council heard a presentation from Alexandra Godwin who was then co-opted and joined the Parish Council for the meeting.  


2403.1 Apologies – to note apologies for absence 

Apologies were received and accepted from S Gould.  And apologies were received from Ward Cllr Ann Morgan. 

2403.2 [TO RESOLVE] To confirm and approve minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the 13 February 2024 

Resolved – the Council agreed that the 13 february 2024 minutes were a true and correct record of the meeting. 

2403.3 Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests and Request for Dispensations 

To receive declaration of any members personal or prejudicial interest in any item on the agenda 

R Lane re item 15 g) as friend of the editor of the News & Views.  

Development Control, Forestry Works and Footpath Diversions 

2403.4 Planning applications to consider and decide comment for submission to B&NES 

a) Applications to consult 


b) To note decision notifications 

23/04622/VAR Hallatrow Business Park Wells Road Hallatrow BS39 6EX  

Variation of condition 7 (Plans List (Compliance)) of application 22/02775/FUL (Change of use to learning and non-residential institutions (Use Class F1) for a temporary three year period with associated siting of porta-cabins and shipping containers (part retrospective)). Condition Number(s): Condition 7 – Approved plans Conditions(s) Removal: Please see covering letter Please see covering letter  

Pending consideration 

 23/04623/VAR Hallatrow Business Park Wells Road Hallatrow BS39 6EX  

Variation of condition 9 (Plans List (Compliance)) of application 22/02777/FUL (Change of use to storage or distribution (Use Class B8) for a temporary three year period with associated siting of porta-cabins and shipping containers). Condition Number(s): Condition 9 – Approved Plans Conditions(s) Removal: Please see covering letter  

Pending consideration 

23/04687/FUL Hallatrow Business Park Wells Road Hallatrow BS39 6EX  

Material change of use (temporary) for B8 use and associated operational development (in connection with adjacent permitted use) (Retrospective). 

Pending consideration 

23/03092/LBA The Grange, Paulton Road, Hallatrow,  BS39 6EG  

External alterations for the replacement roof covering includes new tiles, battens and underlay. 

Pending consideration 

23/04686/FUL Parcel 0172 Wells Road Hallatrow   

Material change of use (temporary) for F1 use and associated operational development (in connection with adjacent permitted use) (Retrospective) 

Pending consideration 

2403.5 [TO RESOLVE] To consider and decide comment/submission on Local Plan consultation on Options documents 

Resolved to approve the draft comments by S Gould with the addition of the concern that there is a lack of infrastructure to support developments.  

2403.6 [TO RESOLVE] To consider and decide comment re footpath diversion re CL16/56 Westview, Paulton 

Resolved that no comment be made.  

2403.7 [TO RESOLVE] To consider and decide timing and format of the Annual Parish (Residents) meeting 2024 

Deferred – Clerk to enquire if the Church Hall is free on 27 April and/or 11 May 11 am to 1pm.  

2403.8 [TO RESOLVE] To consider and decide project for the Ward Empowerment Fund 

Deferred.   The Council noted computers for children could be considered.  C Lindley to liaise with Ward Cllr on these funds.  

2403.9 [TO RESOLVE] To review 2023 internal and external auditors and approve internal auditor for 2024 

Resolved to approve that the same internal auditor be used for 2024.  Clerk reported no complications with the external and internal audits for 2023. 

2403.10 [TO RESOLVE] To consider and decide succession planning re Chairman and Vice Chairman 

Resolved to approve K Fuglesang to take over Chair position in May 2024 and C Lindley to take on Vice Chair.  Clerk to investigate Chair training courses.  A Councilor to provide finance assistance and reporting to be decided at the Annual Parish Council meeting in May.  

2403.11 [TO RESOLVE] To consider and approve Recreation Ground maintenance contribution for 2023 

Resolved to approve.  

2403.12 TO RESOLVE] To consider and decide response to B&NES enquiry re a Parish Council Nature Action Plan 

Deferred.  R Lane to liaise with the Environment Group members and report back to a future meeting.  

2403.13 [TO RESOLVE] To approve the following finances for February 

a) Payments  

Resolved to approve the following items for payment in February.     

 Description Amount £ 
DD Sage Payroll – Mar 2024 9.60 
DD Pension Contributions– Feb 2023 37.77 
SO D Stephenson – website maintenance 25.00 
Total  72.37 
Bank Card Speed Sign Designs – miner sign for plaque 36.00 
 Somer Printing Ltd – News & Views Mar/Apr printing 417.07 
002649 Kirsty Headlong Feb 2024 Salary Pension PAYE Tax National Insurance Working from home allowance Net Total Clerk’s Expenses Feb 2024 mileage & stationery Cheque Total  1059.5 (21.58) (168.40)(1.15) 26.00 894.37 6.75 901.12 
002650 HMRC Employer’s and Employee’s NI Mar 2024 Mar 2024 Tax – K Headlong Total 42.76 168.40 211.16 
002651 Npower – streetlighting elec  172.54 
002652 Trenjory Designs – News & Views Mar/Apr editing 200.00 
002653 B George – News & Views Mar/Apr delivery 150.00 
002654 Recreation Ground – 33% maintenance contribution 261.79 
 Branching Out – ????  
Cheque Total   £1896.61 
Grand Total   £2422.05 

b) To note receipts  

2403.14 To receive any updates on district matters from Ward Cllr Ann Morgan 

Ward Cllr Morgan reported via email that Greyfield Road signage should be rectified in the next week, health and safety concerns, re vacant property Rosewell Home, have been reported to B&NES who have contacted the owners and are awaiting a response.  

2403.15 To receive reports and updates on current items 

  1. Allotments     

The Clerk reported that a half plot will become vacant at 1 April and this will be offered to the first person on the waiting list.                                                                    

  1. Recreation Ground 

K Fuglsang reported that the committee need a secretary and quotes are being sought for replacement of guttering which could be considered for use of CIL funds.  

  1. Police and Neighbourhood Watch    

The Council noted the report from the Parish Police Constable.  Clerk to invite Constable to April and/or May meeting and to confirm which group High Littleton are listed under.                                            

  1. School Governors 

The Council agreed A Godwin to be Parish Council contact with the school.  

  1. Grass and Cemetery  

The Council noted the first cut of the year had taken place.  

  1. Charity of Mary Jones 

No news/updates.  

  1. Parish Magazine  

R Lane reported that he has liaised with the Editor to the News & Views on cost saving and generating additional funds to run the magazine. I) Could go to quarterly but pieces lose their relevance ii) smaller run might mean that price to print each mag might increase so cost saving might not be that great iii) advertising fees need to be reviewed as unchanged since the magazine began.  

  1. Greyfield Wood  

C Lindley and P Ghillyer reported that they have been removing the fallen tree by the waterfall.  

  1. Environmental Group  

R Lane reported the groups AGM was held in the Scout Hall in March with a 50% member attendance.   The Repair Cafe had a good turnout despite the snow and the wildlife meadow will soon be raked and sown.  

  1. Parish sweeping  

No news/updates. 

  1. Highway/footpath Issues  

Clerk to report sand on road/pavement by Ken Biggs on High Street and query potential location of a VAS on Paulton Road.  The Council noted the VAS outside the school should be moved to its new power location shortly and signage at entrance to the parish have been reported to contractor to be rectified.  

  1. Transport/buses 

The Council noted that currently there is no direct bus to Bath from the parish and the last bus back is at 9.30pm. 

  1. Neighbourhood Plan 

Drop in presentation re Local Plan Options consultation at Farrington Gurney 13 March 3 – 7 pm.  

  1. Streetlighting 

P Ghillyer reported that he is carrying out an assessment of streetlights.  

  1. Rosewell Home 

Clerk to enquire if any response from B&NES re the empty property being a Health and Safety issue. 

  1. Church Farm 

No news/updates.  

  1. Charitable donations – to be removed from the agenda.  
  1. Councillor vacancies 

The Council noted one vacancy remaining which has been advertised via the website and noticeboards. 

  1. Improving Communication with the community 

C Lindley to incorporate into a questionnaire for feedback at the Annual Parish (Resident) meeting.  

2403.16 Correspondence 

  1. [TO RESOLVE] To consider and decide request from BWCE to run local Green Open Homes events 

To be removed from the agenda. 

2403.17 Items for next meeting 

Review Risk Register 

Approve areas for April Sweep 

Review bank signatories 

2403.18 To note future meetings 

Parish Liaison – 20 March 2024 (Community Space), 19 June 2024 (Somerdale), 18 September 2024, (Community Space) 6.30-8.30 pm   

ALCA –  11 June 2024 7.30 to 8.30pm 

Date of next meeting – 9 April 2024      

K Fuglesang closed the meeting at 8.40pm.                                                                            

Simon Gould Chairman Kirsty Headlong Clerk