Minutes of the Meeting of the High Littleton Parish Council held on Tuesday 12th September 2017

Minutes of the Meeting of the High Littleton Parish Council held on Tuesday 12th September 2017

Councillors present 

Mr L Salvidge (Vice-Chairman), Mr S Skelhorn, Mr N Pollett, Mr P Allen, Mr J Petchey and Mr S Gould


Opportunity for the members of the public to speak

There were one member of the public present who did not wish to address the Council


Mr L Sheen, Mr P Savage and District Councillor Les Kew

Minutes of the Parish Meeting held on the 8th August 2017

The Council agreed that these should be signed by the Vice-Chairman as a true and correct record of the meeting.

Declarations of Discloseable Pecuniary Interests and Request for Dispensations

Mr J Petchey – planning application 17/01757/FUL. Mr Petchey has known the applicant a long time.

Mr S Gould – planning application 16/03808/FUL. Mr Gould is a neighbour

Mr N Pollett – planning application 17/04074/ADCOU and 17/04074/FUL.  Mr Pollett has had dealings in the past with the applicant

Mr L Salvidge – planning application 17/04074/ADCOU and 17/04074/FUL. Mr Salvidge has had

dealings in the past with the applicant

Mr S Skelhorn – planning application 17/04074/ADCOU and 17/04074/FUL. Mr Salvidge has had

dealings in the past with the applicant

Mr J Petchey – planning application 17/04073/FUL. Mr Petchey knows the agent

Development Control, Forestry Works and Footpath Diversions

16/03808/FUL Erection of 4no. dwellings following demolition of existing dwelling, garage and outbuildings. White Chimneys, Paulton Road, Hallatrow

Awaiting a decision

17/01757/FUL  Conversion of adjacent barn to residential dwelling. Apples, Scumbrum Lane, High Littleton

Permitted. To be removed from the agenda

17/01645FUL  Extension of the current car parking with provision for a further 4-5 vehicles. Greyfield Wood, Greyfield, High Littleton (Outside the Parish)

Permitted. To be removed from the agenda

17/03099/FUL  Erection of a 2 storey side extension/garage demolition. 17 Rotcombe Lane, High Littleton

Awaiting a decision

New Planning Applications

17/03404/FUL Erection of single storey rear extension with balcony. 1 Ferndale, High Street, High Littleton

The Council agreed to support the application

17/04073/FUL  Demolition of existing garage and existing rear glazed extension, replacement with a side and rear extension and a dormer window. Hillcrest Westwood Avenue, High Littleton

The Council agreed to support the application

17/04074/ADCOU and 17/04074/FUL Conversion of agricultural building to dwelling. Brickhouse Farm, White Cross, Hallatrow

The Council (excluding the three Councillors who declared an interest) agreed to Object in Principle to the application There is no evidence that the stone concrete building has stood for sufficient time (10 years) to qualify for conversion to a dwelling. Access to the barn is via a track (yet to be constructed) that was permitted for agricultural use only.


16/03914/FUL (Appeal Ref:- 17/00059/RF) Demolition of existing building and erection of 6no dwellings and associated works. The Yard High Street High Littleton

Appeal in progress

17/00069/RF Erection of 1 No. bungalow with associated works to the rear of 1 Fairview (Resubmission), 1 Fairview, New Road, High Littleton

Appeal in progress

Other Planning matters

Church Farm scaffolding and other planning matters

The Clerk contacted Mr Geraint Jones (Mr Martin and Dudley Pera’s solicitor), to ask what progress has been made since the meeting held in June this year to discuss matters relating to Church Farm and the High Littleton School. Mr Jones’ reply was forwarded to the Councillors with the attached document which he considered to represent a reasonable summary of the issues and options. Mr Jones said he would be grateful for the Council’s thoughts on any preferences regarding the options for moving forward.  The Council discussed the matter and agreed the Clerk should reply that the Council has received the document and welcome to engage in any correspondence plus meetings, should they take place.

The Clerk contacted Council Connect for the name of the B&NES officer, the Council have concerns with health and safety issues relating to the scaffolding and sheeting on Church Farm. The Clerk chased again on 5th September. No news

 Agenda Items

  1. Parish Plan – Highways & Environment
  • New roundabout and associated work at Paulton Road and A39 junction, following feasibility study to Paulton and surrounding area in connection with the Polestar Development, including Village Gate, Paulton Road

Mr Dan Miller (B&NES Engineer Design Group) informed the Council that funding has now been allocated for the installation of the village signs. The Council agreed that a site visit should take place with a representative of the Council, Mr L Kew (District Councillor) and a representative of B&NES Traffic Department

  • Hallatrow Hill footway – Phase 2 (Road Speeds on A39 particularly by Langfords Lane and Highbury Road in Hallatrow)

No news

  • Review of speed limits in the parish

The Clerk chased Mr Stefan Chiffers (B&NES Traffic Engineer) to ask for a reply to the letter regarding the Council’s Speed restriction changes. Mr Chiffers replied that he has been given a small budget to introduce and amend existing restrictions (speed, weight and width). Mr Chiffers has added the Council’s request to the task to be considered next year.

  • Traffic and parking issues on New Road near chicane

No news from Avon and Somerset Police Camera and Safety Partnership

  • £500,000 scheme to improve traffic flow on A39

The Clerk emailed Mr L Kew to say the Council have concerns with the traffic improvements at the “2 headed man” on the A39, and asked what is being done to ensure there is no uncontrolled mayhem in New Road. Mr Kew replied that he is waiting to hear from the Executive Member who is dealing with this. Highways are satisfied there will be no uncontrolled mayhem. The Council discussed the improvements and possible increase of flow of traffic 

  • Air pollution levels and concerns on the A39

No news.

  1. Highway related matters

The Highways Maintenance sheet was updated

  1. Bus Stops / Bus Shelters/ Bus Services
  • The reduction in the bus service and the impact on parishioners

Mr L Kew was seeing the Bus Operators regarding the issues – no news

  1. Youth Service Matters

No news 

  1. 2018 Local Plan

A representative of the Council provided feedback on the Joint Spatial Plan briefing held on 11th  September 2017

  1. Footpath Matters
  • Footpath Sign off Greyfield Road leading to Greyfield Wood needs replacing

The Clerk sent Mrs Sheila Petherbridge (B&NES Public Footpaths Officer), an email and photographs of the signs that had been erected incorrectly. Mrs Petherbridge forwarded the problem to the Contractor and they attended promptly. These have been rectified. To be removed from the agenda.

  1. Methodist Church – Update Review
  • Grant Application

No news

  1. Neighbourhood Plans


  1. Defibrillator

No news

  1. Parishioners question of the status of the Community Speed Watch

No further comment

  1. Bench installation requests in the Parish
  • Memorial Bench request for Rotcombe Lane

The Clerk emailed Mrs Edwina Wilks to say that the Council would like all benches in the Parish to be the same as the one on the corner of New Road and Greyfield Road. Mrs Wilks response was discussed by the Council. Mrs Wilks would like a wooden bench. The Council noted that a wooden bench in Langfords Lane needs to be replaced. The Council agreed that the Clerk should ask Mrs Wilks if she would like a wooden bench here and/or a vinyl one in Rotcombe Lane.

  • Scumbrum Lane/New Road bench

Mr L Kew emailed the Clerk to say that he waiting for a complete breakdown of the Section 106 monies and hopefully there will be funding for this and other projects. The Council discussed a bench at this location. Mr J Petchey proposed that the Council purchase a Phoenix Jubilee Seat cost £744.80 plus VAT, and that this purchase is part of the CIL receipt of £1387.50. The High Littleton Parish Council share of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) generated by the development at Timsbury Road. Ref:- 16/00566/FUL. This was seconded by S Skelhorn and carried unanimously.

  • Plaque on a new bench opposite Dandos for the late Mr Graham Dando

This has been done. To be removed from the agenda

  1. Resignation of Paul Wyatt and Councillor Vacancy
  • Marking Paul Wyatt’s contribution as Chairman and a Councillor for 25 years


The Council has received interest for the Councillor Vacancy from 3 parishioners. The Council decided to discuss this at the next meeting

13.Christmas trees – suppliers and dressers

The Clerk emailed Somer 2000 to ask for a quote for the dressing of two Christmas trees. No news.

The Clerk phoned Mr Alan Tibbs and asked him to supply and install 2 Christmas trees 15 – 18 feet. Mr Tibbs agreed and the Clerk sent a follow up email, copying in Mr N Pollett. Mr Pollett to contact Mr Tibbs.

  1. Electoral Review of B&NES Warding Arrangements – from the Local Government Boundary Commission

The Council discussed this matter and have no comment to make. To be removed from the agenda 

  1. Parish Charter and Community Empowerment fund – letter from Paul Myers Cabinet Minister Policy, Localism and Partnerships

The Clerk emailed Mrs Sara Dixon (B&NES Locality Manager Strategy and Performance) to ask for details and guide for applicants. Mrs Dixon sent an application form and guidelines which was forwarded to the Councillors

Mrs Dixon asked if the Council have comments regarding a questionnaire on the Parish Charter. The Clerk was requested to inform Mrs Dixon that the Council agree that ALCA and the Parishes Liaison Committee have put in a number of constructive comments and the Council do not need to add anymore 

  1. Construction of the agenda

The Council discussed the time limits for agenda items. The Council agreed that a limit of 5 minutes should be given to each member of the public who wish to address the Council in “Opportunity for the members of the public to speak” 

  1. Grit bin request for Lansdown Place/Close

The Council discussed the request for a grit bin for the above location. The Clerk was requested to make a request to B&NES for a grit bin.

Reports from Representatives:


The vacant allotment, bottom of plot C, now has a new holder and an agreement has been signed

The Clerk chased Curo for the third time to ask them to look at the ditch behind the houses in Highbury Road next to the allotments, because flooding has been reported. Curo replied that an estate manager will inspect the ditch

Recreation Ground

The representative provided a report to the Council

Police and Neighbourhood Watch 

The representative provided a report to the Council

The Clerk had previously emailed Mr Trevor Wilmot (Neighbourhood Watch Administrator) to ask if he would like to write an article for the News and Views. Mr Wilmot replied with an article which was forwarded to Trenjory Designs (News and Views)

School Governors

Nothing to report

Grass and Cemetery

Nothing to report

Parish Magazine “News and Views”

Councillors have been supplied with dates for the matters for the editorials to be sent to Trenjory Designs

A suggestion about illicit activity in Greyfield Wood was a suggested item

Greyfield Wood

The representative provided a report to the Council. The Clerk was requested to inform the

Neighbourhood Policing Inspector of motorcycles being ridden in the woods and relating damage and fires

Street Cleansing Update

The Council discussed the future street cleansing of the Parish. The Clerk to check with B&NES if there have been any amendments to the Parish Agency Agreement signed in 2003.

Parish Liaison Meeting

No news

Facebook feedback 

The representative provided a report to the Council

Items of interest from District Councillor:

No news

Correspondence for Action:

  • Email received from a resident of Harts Lane complaining about the speed limits in Harts Lane

The Council discussed the email and the complaint of speeding in Harts Lane. The Clerk was requested to reply that this problem was discussed for a long period a few years ago and steps were taken by B&NES to alleviate the problem, such as enhanced signage. The complaint will be forwarded to the B&NES Traffic Engineer


  1. Receipt of £1387.50. The High Littleton Parish Council share of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) generated by the development at Timsbury Road. Ref:- 16/00566/FUL.

The Clerk received an email from Mr Alfred La Vardera (B&NES Operations and Development Officer) reminding Parish Council to publicise their CIL expenditure. To date the Council has only identified the bench (half the monies). The Council agreed that the new bench purchase should now be included and report on the Council’s website. The purchases of two benches surpasses the CIL money

2. Grant request from High Littleton Primary C of E VC Primary – Academy

Details of a grant request for discussion under the agenda item below, has not been received. To be removed from the agenda

3.Discussion regarding requests for Capital Project Grants

The Council have not received any requests. To be removed from the agenda

For Payment:

The following cheques were authorised for payment September 2017:-

Cheque 988 To Pauline Young  
  Clerk’s pay August 17 964.33
  Less August 17 NI Contribution

Less August 17 Pension Contribution



  Net Total 926.46
  Travel for August 17 31.05
  Total 957.51
Cheque 989 Post Office Ltd  
  Employer’s and Employee’s August 17 NI 73.27
Cheque 990 E.ON – Electric for August  17 54.17
Cheque 991 Primrose Garden Maintenance – Grass cutting Cemetery and White Cross August 328.80
Cheque 992 M Stevens – Rec Ground Maintenance August 17 116.83
Cheque 993 P Young – Stationery 67.00
Cheque 994 Trenjory Designs – Editing News and Views 187.50
Cheque 995 S Manley – Distributing News and Views 140.00
Cheque 996 Fosseway Press – Printing News and Views 317.65
Cheque 997 Recreation Ground – 43% to Insurance 406.77


Cheque 998 Holy Trinity Church – Church Hall rent Mar – Aug 17 160.00
Total   2,809.50


Matters Chairman considers Urgent

The Clerk was forwarded a copy of a letter sent to the Council’s ex-Chairman, from a resident in Scumbrum Lane complaining about damage to the bank in Scumbrum Lane by large vehicles. The Clerk was requested to respond saying that the letter will be forwarded to B&NES Highways department

The Clerk received a telephone call from a parishioner who had tripped over the uneven path from the Recreation Ground to Southover Road. The parishioner sustained minor injuries. The Clerk was requested to inform Curo Housing and asked them to look into the problem of the tree that is causing the problem as well as overhanging the streetlight which requires replacing frequently

Items for Next Meeting 

Review Standing Orders

Exchange of Parish Council Data back up on Cruzer Blade Exchange

The Clerk gave the latest backup to the Vice – Chairman

Date of Next Meeting

Tuesday 10th October 2017

The Vice-Chairman closed the meeting at 20.47 hours


Chairman                                                                                                                             Clerk