Minutes of the Meeting of the High Littleton Parish Council held on Tuesday 11th April 2017

Minutes of the Meeting of the High Littleton Parish Council held on Tuesday 11th April 2017


Councillors present  

Mr P Wyatt (Chairman), Mr L Salvidge (from 19.10 hours), Mr S Skelhorn, Mr N Pollett, Mr P Allen, Mr P Savage, Mr L Sheen, Mr J Petchey, Mr S Gould (as from Co-opted) and District Councillor Les Kew



Opportunity for the members of the public to speak

There were 2 members of the public present. Neither wished to address the Council. Mr J Petchey requested to address the Council as a member of the public and declared an interest on the subject of a flag pole erected in a garden near his property. The Chairman closed the meeting at 19.02 hours. Mr Petchey requested that the Council seek clarification from B&NES whether planning permission is required the erection of a flag pole in 3 New Road. The Clerk was requested to raise the matter with B&NES Planning Enforcement. The Chairman re-opened the meeting at 19.05 hours



Mr N Pollett and PC Peard


Minutes of the Parish Meeting held on the 14th March 2017

These were signed as a true and correct record of the meeting by the Chairman.


Declarations of Discloseable Pecuniary Interests and Request for Dispensations

Mr P Allen – planning application 17/01163/CLEU. Mr Allen’s son is the agent selling the property

Mr S Gould – planning application 16/03808/FUL. Mr Gould is a neighbour


Councillor Vacancy – possible co-option of new Councillor

The Clerk was notified by B&NES Electoral Services that they have not received a request for an election nor any interest for the vacancy, therefore the Council are free to co-opt a new Councillor. Mr P Wyatt proposed that the Council co-opt Mr Simon Gould as Councillor to the High Littleton Parish Council. This was seconded by Mr P Savage and carried unanimously. Mr Gould signed the Acceptance of Office and was provided Register of Interests and Code of Conduct forms to complete and return to next meeting.


Development Control, Forestry Works and Footpath Diversions

16/03808/FUL Erection of 4no. dwellings following demolition of existing dwelling, garage and outbuildings. White Chimneys, Paulton Road, Hallatrow

Awaiting a Decision


16/03914/FUL  Demolition of existing building and erection of 6no dwellings and associated works. The Yard, High Street, High Littleton

Refused. To be removed from the agenda


17/00103/FUL  Erection of double garage following demolition of existing single garage. Church Cottage, Church Hill, High Littleton

Awaiting a Decision


17/00263/FUL  Erection of a two storey side extension. 9 Rotcombe Lane, High Littleton

Withdrawn. To be removed from the agenda


17/00449/FUL Erection of a single storey rear extension, new external decking, installation of oil tank in front garden, alterations to existing garage and associated works. 18 Parklands, High Littleton

Permitted. To be removed from the agenda


New Planning Applications

17/01163/CLEU Use of Annexe as a separate dwelling (Certificate of lawfulness for an existing use). The Annexe, 20 Southover Road, High Littleton

The Council agreed to Support this application


17/01184/FUL Erection of two storey side extension and single storey and rear extension. 11 Claremont Gardens, Hallatrow

The Council offered comments only for this application. Noting concerns of the lack of parking


17/01316/FUL Erection of detached bungalow on land at 17 Scobell Rise and erection of detached garage for existing dwelling (Revised Scheme). Willow Glade, 17 Scobell Rise, High Littleton

The Council agreed to Support this application


Other Planning matters



Agenda Items

  1. Parish Plan – Highways & Environment
  • New roundabout and associated work at Paulton Road and A39 junction, following feasibility study to Paulton and surrounding area in connection with the Polestar Development, including Village Gate, Paulton Road

The Council discussed the above. Mr P Wyatt agreed to speak to Mr Stefan Chiffers (B&NES Traffic Engineer) regarding the following 1/ The hole for the Christmas tree on the Triangle needs to reinstalled and should be 8-9 inches. 2/ The Quaker stone has yet to be re-carved. 3/ The parking lines by the Triangle. 4/ Loose lopping stones by the Triangle

Mr L Salvidge provided for the Council 126 drawings of a Village gate completed by the children of High Littleton School. Every child will be receiving a thank you from the Head Teacher. The Council agreed that a sub-committee should meet to select a few for the Council to choose a design.

  • Hallatrow Hill footway – Phase 2 (Road Speeds on A39 particularly by Langfords Lane and Highbury Road in Hallatrow)

No news



  • 6 Rotcombe Lane –request for bollards to prevent vehicle damage to wall


Mr P Wyatt emailed Mr Chiffers to request bollards to the rear road of 6 Rotcombe Lane. Mr Chiffers replied he will look into it. Mr Wyatt will chase


  1.  Highway related matters

The Highways Maintenance Sheet was updated


  1.  Bus Stops / Bus Shelters/ Bus Services


  • The reduction in the bus service and the impact on parishioners


The Clarke emailed Councillor Tony Clarke (B&NES Councillor Responsible for Public Transport) to ask if he has a response to the Council’s letter to him, as promised in his email. No reply. Mr L Kew will speak to Councillor Clarke

The Clerk emailed again Mr Richard Lewis (First Bus) regarding the reduction in the Bus Services. No reply.


  1. Youth Service Matters

No news


  1. B&NES Placemaking Plans – New Local Plan

Mrs Julie O’Rourke (B&NES Planning Policy Services) sent an invitation to the Council to attend a presentation on 24th April 2017 at the Guildhall to discuss Local Plan 2016-2026 and the identification and allocation of sites. Mrs O’Rourke was informed that Mr P Savage wished to attend. Mr Kew informed the Council that he believed that this event had been cancelled. The Clerk to check with Mrs O’Rourke


  • HELAA (Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment) – Council to form small working party to provide factual comments

The Council discussed the above and agreed it could be removed from the agenda


  1. Footpath Matters
  • Footpath Sign off Greyfield Road leading to Greyfield Wood needs replacing

Mr S Skelhorn informed the Council that this is in hand


  • Footpath CL 6/40 Vehicles travelling fast along newly tarmacked track to Greyfield Woods

Mr L Sheen will be meeting up with Mrs Sheila Petherbridge (B&NES Footpath Officer). The Council were informed that Woodland Trust plan to install 5MPH signs along the lane leading to Greyfield Woods


  • Footpath CL 11/24 Motorcycles riding along footpath by passing through keyhole stile

This is no longer a problem. To be removed from the agenda


  1. Methodist Church – Update Review
  • Grant Application

Mr L Sheen provided the latest on the old Methodist Hall situation and the position of the Scout Group purchasing the building. Nothing appears to be moving forward and there is a risk of neglect to the building. The Council agreed that Mr David Pendle (Senior Circuit Steward Methodist Church) should be invited to the next meeting to provide the Council with the latest position.


  1. Neighbourhood Plans/Parish Plans
  • A suggestion for a Village “parkie” for the Parish

Mr P Savage contacted the parishioner who suggested that the parish have a “parkie”, and explained that the Council will not be following up the idea. To be removed from the agenda.

The Clerk forwarded to the Councillors information from Mrs Julie O’Rourke of a Planning and Landscape workshop on 31st May 2017. Mr P Savage provided feedback on the Village Character Assessment Studies – Draft Scope of work and the report on the Community Engagement Period from November 2016 to February 2017. The matter of the safety of the scaffolding on Church Farm was discussed. It was agreed that this should be raised with the B&NES Chief Executive. Mr P Wyatt to draft a letter. To be put on the agenda.


  1. New website search for Parish Council

Mr Simon Conway emailed the Clerk to ask if the Council would like to remove Burfields as a hosting agent. The Clerk replied yes. The Clerk would like the Council to decide how much they would like to spend on hosting fee (between £2 and £10 a month and setting up fee of between £35 and £150. Mr Conway provided recommendations of websites. Mr S Skelhorn proposed that the Council agree to p to £5 a month for hosting fee and up to £50 for the starting up fee. This was seconded by Mr J Petchey and carried unanimously. The Council agreed that the Clerk should ask Mr Conway if Council’s emails could be on the server


  1. Defibrillator

District Councillor Les Kew informed the Council that the purchase of a defibrillator for Hallatrow from his Ward Initiative Allowance, is in progress


  1. Parishioners question of the status of the Community Speed Watch

No news. PC Peard has apologised for not attending the meeting to discuss the above


  1. ALCA – Councillors training

The Clerk has arranged a Conduct Course for 20th June 6.30 for 7.00 start for the Councillors. The Council agreed that they wish to start at 7.00 pm. The Clerk has received a Yes from Farrington Gurney, No from Priston and waiting to hear from Cameley, Clutton and Farmborough Parish Council.


  1. Annual Risk Review

The Clerk forwarded to the Councillors the Risk Reviews for 2017-2018. Mr P Wyatt proposed that the Council agree to Risk Reviews. This was seconded by Mr J Petchey and carried unanimously.


  1. Memorial Bench request for Rotcombe Lane

The Council agreed that the Clerk to request permission from B&NES for a bench can be installed on the corner of Rotcombe Lane and Sixpence.

Reports from Representatives


The Clerk wrote to the last two people on the allotment waiting list to ask if they are interested in renting half an allotment. The Clerk received one reply and they declined interest. The Clerk to advertise on the Notice boards, websites, News and Views and Facebook. All the rents for coming year have been received. The Clerk wrote to Curo Housing to inform them of flooding on allotments coming from behind the houses in Highbury road and asked if they would look at this problem. No news. The Clerk was requested to chase.


Recreation Ground

Nothing to report


Police and Neighbourhood Watch

Mr S Skelhorn provided the Council with a verbal report


School Governors

The Council were provided with a request for financial assistance for a project outlined in a letter, the total cost of the project will cost £18000. Mr P Wyatt declared an interest as Mr Wyatt is a School Governor


Grass and Cemetery

Primrose Garden Maintenance forwarded a copy of the current insurance details which was forwarded to the Councillors


Parish Magazine “News and Views”   

No news


Greyfield Wood  

  • Litter bin request for edge of Greyfield Wood and re-siting bin at Gas box Greyfield Road

Mr S Skelhorn informed the Council that he has met a representative from B&NES Waste Management and it has been agreed that the bin will be moved.


Street Cleansing Update  

The Clerk received am email from Mrs Laura Memory (Senior Administration Officer – Waste Services) to say that the B&NES Agency allowance (payment towards the sweeping) will now be issued annually as from this month rather than monthly. The Clerk has been in correspondence with Mr Barry Gimbert outlining the Council’s plans for their contracted out sweep by WJB Services and the Council’s requests to B&NES for leaf clearing and weed spraying. After liaising with his volunteers Mr Gimbert has confirmed they that are happy to litter collect in Spring and Autumn

Mr Monty Meerhozt (B&NES (B&NES Operations Manager – Cleansing) informed the Clerk that the weed spraying in the High Littleton Parish will take place on 17th April 2017.


Parish Liaison Meeting

No news


Items of interest from District Councillor:

Nothing to report


Correspondence for Action:

  • Email received by Mr Richardson Goosard Lane

Mr Richardson emailed to say that six months has passed since he heard from the Council and wondered if the Council had a response from B&NES regarding the speeding issues in Goosard Lane. The Council discussed Speed limits in the parish and agreed that this should be discussed in June. The Clerk was requested to inform Mr Richardson that the Council have requested the 30mph signage to be repainted and will be discussing speed limits in general in June


  • Enhancement of area by Scumbrum –
  1. Copy of letter from Parishioner

The Clerk forwarded to the Councillors, a copy of a letter sent to B&NES from a parishioner who pointed

out issues with the enhancement of the area by Scumbrum Lane and New Road. The Council discussed the matter and agreed that the Clerk should thank the parishioner for his letter and his concerns have been noted. Mr P Wyatt informed the Council that he is looking to have a bench installed in the area

  1. Resolution for extra payment for tree purchase

Last month the Council agreed by resolution to refund the payment of the tree on the area by Scumbrum of £120. The amount paid was £154.07. Mr P Wyatt proposed that the Council agree to pay the extra £34.07. This was seconded by Mr S Skelhorn and carried unanimously



  • Receipt of £1387.50. The High Littleton Parish Council share of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) generated by the development at Timsbury Road. Ref:- 16/00566/FUL.

The Council noted that District Councillor Les Kew may now be able to purchase a defibrillator for Hallatrow, this now leaves a need to find something to purchase with the CIL allowance. The Council discussed to possibility of traffic control system.


For Payment:

The following cheques were approved for payment April 2017:

Cheque 939 To Pauline Young
Clerk’s pay March 17 964.33
Less March 17 NI Contribution

Less March 17 Pension Contribution



Net Total 925.46
Travel for March 17 17.55
Total                    943.01
Cheque 940 Post Office Ltd
Employer’s and Employee’s March 17 NI 74.78
Cheque 941 E.ON – Electric for March  17 49.53
Cheque 942 M Stevens – Rec Ground Maintenance March 17 114.58
Cheque 943 N Pearson – Chew Valley trees – tree at Scumbrum 154.07
Cheque 944 P Young – McAfee Annual Internet Security fee 89.99
Cheque 945 SSE – Lighting maintenance Jan – Mar 111.36
Cheque 946 J Shears – Dog poop bags 57.85
Cheque 947 ALCA – Annual Subs 373.00
Cheque 948 Mary Jones Charity – grant 200.00
Cheque 949 Cam Valley Arts Trail – grant 100.00
Cheque 950 Midsomer Norton Dial a Ride 175.00
Total                 2,443.17


Matters Chairman considers Urgent

The Clerk informed the Council that they will now be required to make a resolution to agree to the Chairman signing Section 1 – Annual governance statement for 2016/2017. The Clerk will send the Councillors the amended Governance and Accountability and a copy of the Section 1 for their review


Items for Next Meeting  

Annual Parish Meeting & Annual Meeting of the Parish Council

Chairman to sign Section 1 Statement of Accounts for External Audit (agreed by resolution)

Exchange of Parish Council Data back up on Cruzer Blade Exchange

The Clerk gave the Chairman the latest backup


Date of Next Meeting

Tuesday 9th May 2017                                                The Chairman closed the meeting at 20.47 hours



Chairman                                                                              Clerk