Agenda Parish Council meeting 14 May 2024 to immediately follow the Annual Parish meeting which takes place at 6.30pm

can be viewed below or downloaded here

High Littleton Parish Council       

Clerk: Mrs K Headlong 

Leylands, Goosard Lane 

High Littleton.  BS39 6HJ 


Councillors: S Gould, L Sheen,  R Lane, K Fuglesang, P Ghillyer, M Whiting, A Godwin and C Lindley are summoned to attend the Annual meeting of the Parish Council on Tuesday 14 May 2024 immediately following the Annual Parish meeting (which takes place at 6.30pm) at the Church Hall, High Littleton Church. 

2405.1 Election of Chairman 

2405.2 Election of Vice Chairman 

2405.3 [TO RESOLVE} to consider and approve Councillor areas of responsibility 

Opportunity for the members of the public to speak (the public are asked to limit their address to 5 minutes with maximum time allowed 20 minutes). Please note that the Parish Council cannot make a decision on any item which is not on the agenda, but items may be put forward for a future agenda.  


2405.4 Apologies – to note apologies for absence 


2405.5 [TO RESOLVE] To confirm and approve minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the 9 April 2024 

2405.6 Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests and Request for Dispensations 

To receive declaration of any members personal or prejudicial interest in any item on the agenda 

Development Control, Forestry Works and Footpath Diversions 

2405.7 Planning applications to consider and decide comment for submission to B&NES 

a) Applications to consult 

[TO RESOLVE] 24/00961/FUL Rolmar High Street High Littleton BS39 6HW 

Formation of a parking space 

[TO RESOLVE] 24/01363/FUL  Greenways, Wells Road, Hallatrow BS39 6EN  

Erection of single storey rear extension, two storey side extension and conversion of existing garage to office. 

b) To note decision notifications 

23/04622/VAR Hallatrow Business Park Wells Road Hallatrow BS39 6EX  

Variation of condition 7 (Plans List (Compliance)) of application 22/02775/FUL (Change of use to learning and non-residential institutions (Use Class F1) for a temporary three year period with associated siting of porta-cabins and shipping containers (part retrospective)). Condition Number(s): Condition 7 – Approved plans Conditions(s) Removal: Please see covering letter Please see covering letter  

Pending consideration 

 23/04623/VAR Hallatrow Business Park Wells Road Hallatrow BS39 6EX  

Variation of condition 9 (Plans List (Compliance)) of application 22/02777/FUL (Change of use to storage or distribution (Use Class B8) for a temporary three year period with associated siting of porta-cabins and shipping containers). Condition Number(s): Condition 9 – Approved Plans Conditions(s) Removal: Please see covering letter  

Pending consideration 

23/04687/FUL Hallatrow Business Park Wells Road Hallatrow BS39 6EX  

Material change of use (temporary) for B8 use and associated operational development (in connection with adjacent permitted use) (Retrospective). 

Pending consideration 

23/03092/LBA The Grange, Paulton Road, Hallatrow,  BS39 6EG  

External alterations for the replacement roof covering includes new tiles, battens and underlay. 

Pending consideration 

23/04686/FUL Parcel 0172 Wells Road Hallatrow   

Material change of use (temporary) for F1 use and associated operational development (in connection with adjacent permitted use) (Retrospective) 

Pending consideration 

2405.8 [TO RESOLVE] To consider and decide quotation re Vehicle Activated Sign on Paulton Road 

2405.9 [TO RESOLVE] To consider and decide any action to be taken re fly tipping in the ground of Rosewell Home 

2405.10 [TO RESOLVE] To consider and decide budget for maintenance of village entrance planters 

2405.11 [TO RESOLVE] To consider and approve Risk Register 

2405.12 [TO RESOLVE] To consider and approve end of year accounts and bank reconciliation 

2405.13 Internal and External audit 2023.24 –  i) [TO RESOLVE] to consider and approve completion of conflict of interests re audit ii) [TO RESOLVE] to consider and approve Annual Governance Statement 2023/24 

2405.14 [TO RESOLVE] To consider and approve Asset Register 

2405.15 [TO RESOLVE] To review and approve bank signatories 

2405.16 [TO RESOLVE] To consider and decide funding request for replacement guttering for the Recreation Ground building 

2405.17 [TO RESOLVE] To approve the following finances for April 

a) Payments – Sage Payroll DD, Pension DD, D Stephenson – website maintenance SO, NPower – streetlighting electricity Apr & May 2024 DD, Somer Printing – News & Views printing CARD, Easyspace – Easyspace Starter Plus Yearly Fee CARD, Clerk Pay – June 2024, Clerk’s expenses – May 2024, Branching Out – grass cutting, Austin Sage – Recreation Ground grass cutting, B George – News & Views delivery, Trenjory Designs – News & Views editing 

b) To note receipts  

B&NES – April Precept instalment £ 19 500 

2405.18 To receive any updates on district matters from Ward Cllr Ann Morgan 

2405.19 To receive reports and updates on current items 

  1. Allotments                                                                       
  1. Recreation Ground 
  1. Police and Neighbourhood Watch – police report                                          
  1. School Governors 
  1. Grass and Cemetery  
  1. Charity of Mary Jones 
  1. Parish Magazine  
  1. Greyfield Wood  
  1. Environmental Group  
  1. Parish sweeping  
  1. Highway/footpath Issues  
  1. Transport/buses – {TO RESOLVE} to consider and decide response to Westlocal fund re setting up and running a local bus service 
  1. Neighbourhood Plan 
  1. Streetlighting 
  1. Rosewell Home 
  1. Church Farm 
  1. Councillor vacancies 
  1. Improving Communication with the community 
  1. Progress re planters (and plants, compost etc) purchased with Ward Councillor Empowerment fund 

2405.20 Correspondence 

[TO RESOLVE] to consider and decide any action to be taken re resident email re speeding traffic through Hallatrow 

2405.21 Items for next meeting 

Review and renew insurance 

Consider and agree Accounting Statements for external audit 

2405.22 To note future meetings 

ALCA Meeting –11 June 2024 7.30-8.30pm 

Chew Valley Area Forum Meeting – 20 June 2024 

Parish Liaison Meeting – 26 June 2024 (Keynsham), 17 July 2024, 18 September 2024, (Keynsham) 6.30-8.30 pm 

Date of next meeting – 11 June 2024                                                                  

Simon Gould Chairman Kirsty Headlong Clerk